Game Setting
This game takes place along the North Sword Coast, a region on the northwestern coast of Faerûn. It is a rough landscape of rugged hills, precarious mountain ranges and dense forests. We first join our adventures on the road from Neverwinter to the settlement of Phandalin.
Lost Mines of Phandelver
Lost Mines of Phandelver
Explored Locations
Explored Locations
Barthen's Provisions
Lionshield Coster Trader
Stone Hill Inn
Edermath Orchard
Shrine of Luck
Sleeping Giant Inn
Old Owl Well
Agatha's Grove
Known Locations
Known Locations
Wave Echo Cave (Storied Lost Cavern of Power)
Cragmaw Castle (Where Has Apparently Been Taken)
Neverwinter (The Party Set Forth From Here)
Town of Phandalin
Ruins of Thundertree