"Its over goblins, I have the high ground"
January 9th, 2021
When we last joined our adventurers they had encountered a goblin ambush on their way to deliver supplies for Barthen's Provisions in Phandalin. The party followed the goblins back to Cragmaw Hideout and quickly found themselves getting thoroughly routed, and took a tactical retreat to rest up and tend their wounds. The party had just started a long rest at the side of the road around a campfire in the company of their 3 new wolf companions: Fluffy, Scruffy, and Gruffy.
After a long rest, Lilian feeds and comforts the wolves. Feeling empathy for the creatures and wanting insight into the goblin lair, Lilian casts Speak With Animals.
Gruffy, identifies himself as the pack leader, and explains that they haven't eaten this well since they were pups. They show their gratitude by allowing belly scratches, and Lillian obliges.
They do make a clarification, Scruffy's name is actually Snuffy, but they give Keras credit for almost getting their names right. They explain that they like the party and plan on staying with them for a party. They explained there was a single human in the cave.
They don't want to go back into the cave, but decide to stay with the cart and protect the parties supplies.
The party starts to strategize how they will approach the goblin cave this time. Lilian casts Pass Without A Trace on the party allowing them to stay stealthy. Dripp grabs two of the scimitars from the Party Loot and Lilian takes a decaying horse head with her and rubs some tar into its fur... for some strange reason.
The party makes it into the cave seemingly undetected, Dripp takes the lead exploring the first chamber where the wolves were initially found. The party travels further along towards the sleeping quarters chamber where the human was detected last time. Dripp spots a goblin patrolling a bridge, but he does not detect the party passing into the chamber. The party successfully scrabbles up the loose stone ramp into the sleeping chamber. Keras takes the lead, leaping gracefully up the ramp to confront the goblins in the room, revealing several goblins.
"Now we get to eat the human!"
The words echo out from the chamber as Keras enters. "Not if I can help it!" shouts Keras unleashing a holy blast of magical energy casting Guiding Bolt, incinerates the speaking goblin as he runs into the fray moving up to the chained human up on the ledge. Keras triumphantly shouts out "Its over goblins, I have the high ground!" Rowan follows up immediately firing a powerful arrow right into the skull of another goblin, killing it where it stands. While the goblins are still stunned Lilian throws a flame at the closest goblin, but it manages to deflect it with its shield.
Demna finding the remaining goblins arranged in a line, sees her opportunity and uses her acid breath on all three goblins. The acid sizzles away their skin and bones as they scream out in sheer pain and terror. One remaining goblin, manages to cast off its armor and survive the attack. Newly exposed, Dripp shoots his bow at the remaining goblin right through the ears, dropping him to the ground.
Lilian, seeing her opportunity to use her strange improvised weapon, ignites the tar covered horse skull with the burning embers of the deflected fire she had cast earlier. She then lobs the head at a goblin, coating it in burning viscera and grey matter. Demna follows behind grabbing a different goblin, using Shocking Grasp. The goblin is stunned momentarily as electricity arcs over its body, allowing her to pass by the goblin easily.
Dripp fires another arrow at one of the goblins, seeing this, one of the goblins runs out of the cave in terror. Billie enters the fray smashing the goblin with his quarterstaff, liquifying his brain and splattering the stunned goblin and the burning goblin with even more gray matter. Keras attempts to hit it wish a Sacred Flame yet again, but the goblin barely avoids it. Dripp lashes out with his scimitar deftly beheading it. Lilian eyes the severed head mischievously. Attempting to shoot past the newly beheaded goblin, Rowan attempts to take down another goblin, but it manages to deflect the shot with its shield.
Lilian seeing a lull in combat takes the opportunity to heal the chained human casting Cure Wounds. As the human comes to, he seems confused asking for Gundren. He identifies himself as Sildar Hallwinter, guard to the Rockseeker family.
Demna approaches the previously stunned and last remaining goblin, grasping its testicles and skull. Casting Shocking Grasp and frying the goblin from both ends. Demna pulls away a pair of cooked goblin "mountain oysters."
The party, seeing combat over, takes a moment to loot the non- acid ruined goblins from the earlier encounter by the cave entrance. Recovering:
Scimitars (x5)
Leather Armor (x5)
Short Bows (x5)
Shields (x5)
Gold Teeth (x3) (worth 3 GP)
15 SP
Key to Sildar's Manacles (plus... the manacles)
Sildar explains that how he was captured, explaining that Gundren had located Wave Echo Cave and had a map to it. Sildar overheard Klarg, the bugbear that commands this goblin, The Black Spider had ordered Gundren to be taken to him in Cragmaw Castle. He explains that Iarno Albrek , a wizard colleague of his, can be located in Phandalin and might be able to help the party locate the cave. The party equips Sildar with some recovered items from the goblins, saying that he will guard the chimney escape route from Klarg's chamber. Splitting towards both entrances to the chamber, the party heads off towards the bugbear, in the distance a hearty wolf howl is herd.
As the they approach Keras detects two goblin guards to the chamber entrance, signaling Dripp to alert him to their presence. Dripp casts Dancing Lights in an attempt to bait the guards towards them. Keras uses the opportunity to cast Shield of Faith, having learned his lesson about protecting himself from the last attempt to breach this chamber.
Rowan uses his stealthed position to snipe on of the guarding goblins, shooting it through the throat and severing its spine. Almost at the same time Demna casts Mind Sliver, it hunches over silently, no longer able to speak. Keras delivers the finishing blow casting Sacred Flame, which interacts with the Mind Sliver spell causing the goblin to burn from the brain out. It falls to the ground with flames crackling out of its ears, mouth, and eye sockets. The party's quick actions have maintained their stealth.
The party quickly loots:
Scimitars (x2)
Leather Armor (x2)
Short Bows (x2)
Shields (x2)
Keras sneaks into the natural cover of the pools of water, moving closer to the entrance and scouting ahead. There he spots a Bugbear, a vicious looking wolf, and a goblin guard. Dripp approaches and attempts to strike at the Goblin, but fails, alerting Klarg to their approach.
"Ripper! Kill them!"
Billie runs towards the wolf, smashing it with his quarterstaff and breaking one of its legs. Lilian enters combat, hurling a conjured flame at the wolf, but it strangely fizzles out as soon as it leaves her hand. Rowan follows up with yet another decisive sniper shot from his bow, taking out the last goblin with ease.
Demna casts Mind Sliver at Klarg, wracking his mind with pain. Klarg responds, angry that his wolf has been injured, and goes to attack Billie. With his superior reach, Billie attempts to smack Klarg with his quarterstaff. Klarg easily avoids the strike and lashes out with his morning star. Billie catches the strike with his shield, barely avoiding a very strong strike.
Seeing his allies in danger, Keras dolphin leaps out of the water rushing toward the wolf. Keras swings his mace, killing the wolf and knocking it into the camp fire in the center of the room. Klarg is clearly disturbed shouting out "Ripper Nooo!"
Dripp hoping to score an easy attack, lashes out with his twin scimitars, but they bounce harmlessly off Klarg's armor. Billie moves in attempting to flank the bugbear while he's preoccupied. Klarg is not fooled though and seeing what Billie is attempting hammers him with his morning star, knocking him unconscious. Lilian rushes to Billie casting Cure Wounds bringing back him from the edge of death.
Rowan fires another powerful shot at Klarg, pinning his hand to his shield and causing him to roar out in range. Demna closes with the bugbear grasping his prominent nipples, casting Shocking Grasp, and stunning Klarg temporarily. Sprouting an involuntary rage boner.
Klarg strikes at Lilian, knocking her immediately unconscious and slowly bleeding out and attempts to flee through the escape into the chimney. Sildar was just inside waiting for him though, and blocks his way. Keras moves in and together both Sildar him attempt to strike him, but he deftly avoids both strikes. Dripp strikes out with his twin scimitars, slicing off Klarg's shield arm with one strike and killing him with the other. With combat at an end, Lilian rushes to Demna and manages to revive her with her herbalism kit and medical skill.
Looting Klarg and the Goblin produces:
Leather Armor
Hide Armor
Short Bow
Shields (x2)
Morning Star
As the party takes stock of the room, they notice what they had previously believed was trash to be mountains of supplies. Sildar recognizes the crates as having the Lionshield Coster emblem on them. Silas explains these belong to someone in Phandalin. They discover a chest containing:
Potions of Healing (x2)
600 CP
110 SP
Golden Jade Frog Statuette (worth 40 GP)
With the room filling with smoke, Keras casts Fog Cloud clearing the air enough to remove the wolf corpse and allowing the party to take a short rest. Sildar explains that the Lion Shield Koster is a trading company, and if the party brings news of the supplies into Phandalin they would likely be rewarded. The party makes their way back to their cart, with Lilian taking the opportunity to decorate the entrance with Goblin heads on spikes. The three wolves, Sildar, and the party return to the road and make their way towards Phandalin.