Murder Hobo Powers Activate
April 3rd, 2021
When we last joined our adventurers, they had defeated the orc cheiftan Brughor Axe-Bitter and his filthy ogre companion Gog on Wyvern Tor. With their leader defated, a night of partying and revery ensued. The orcs now view Billie as their leader and are looking for direction. After much discussion the party decides to send the orc village to Phandalin to live and work in the Tressadar Manner. Billie directs them to prepare to move and that the party will take them back to Phandallin on their return from Conyberry.
The party returns to the trail and heads towards Conyberry. At the midpoint of their journey, night approaches and the party decides to set up camp. In the distance, Lilian notices another camp along the way which appears to be populated with large goblins. Wanting to investigate, Lilian casts Pass Without A Trace on the party. The party approaches to get a better look.
Billie and Dripp identify them as hobgolins. They explain that they are an honorable and strict, and usually act as a leader to goblins. Their tents are set up neatly around a fire. Seeing five of them in one place is somewhat strange. Since they know thier language, both Dripp and Demna head forward and introduce themselves. They are not well recieved and are threatened and instructed to leave immediately. Dripp and Demna return to the party.
Keras proposes putting them in a magical sleep, restraining them, and questioning them. Demna insists the party should eat them, much to Keras's shagrin. Dripp really wants to murder them. Keras manages to convince them that questioning them alive is more to the party's advantage.
Keras casts Sleep on the entire group, and all of the members rush in to restrain him. Three hobgoblins were successfully restrained. Deman liqifies hers, Dripp kills his.
Keras tries to question his and intimidates him. Keras asks what their orders, don't say. Demna bites him, refuses to answer gets mad and tries to stop them from reading scroll.
Demna reads the scroll.
Rolled up scroll found on the goblin.
ryan will provide text.
We of the icespire cragmaw cease and desist letter.
chainmail x4
shield x4
longsword x4
long bow x5
Demna is infuriated by their behavior and bites him again, and. Intimidation doesnt work on hobgoblins. Lillian casts Charm Person on one of the two remaining living hobgolins. it fails, Keras tries to soften them up with a truely amazing performance of the saddest tune he know. They become susceptable to questioning . they explain when questioned that the cragmaws invaded our home and we were Where is wave echo cave, is near ice spire peak, cragmaws have overtaken it. they dont know the black spider, but they do identify the location of cragmaw castle. Keras unbinds one of his hands and points him in the approximate direction of Cragmaw Castle. Keras gives up, plugs his ears, and enters one of the tents to sleep. Lilian kills him with a scorching ray.
Dripp kills the remaining hobgoblin. Lilian calls in the wolves, and they clean up the bodies. The party levels up.
Conyberry was sacked many years ago. The town is mostly abandonned. Few people. Old trail that heads northwest out of the town. The adventurers decide to explore the ruins of the town. Nothing much to see. No valubles. Town was fully destroyed along time in a barbarian attack.
The party, decides to head towards Agatha. As they approach they see a vast dome made of organic matter. the party enters the dome, a home of sorts is inside. there are chests.
Spellbook was traded to a necromancer named Tsernoth over 100 years ago. from the city Iriaebor. Lillian and Demna are both familiar with the location but know it is not within easy travelling distance.
recovered ring and scroll from sister garaile.
-Note located, your mission is to retreive the spellbook, if that fails any information provided is helpful.
the party returns to Conyberry and spends the night there.
Ask the orcs about Old owl Well, or if they've heard of undead. Ask Icespire Peak, Wave Echo Cave.