"The Misadventures of Captian Cookware"
May 31st, 2021
When we last joined our adventurers, they had journeyed out from their manor in the company of two orc guides to the deserted village of Thundertree. Early into their exploration they encountered vicious twig blights and frightening ash zombies. After their engagement with the ash zombies, they holed up in a mostly intact former tavern for a short rest.
The party decides to head to the tower on the hill at the north of the village. The party is of two minds on how to get there. Keras heads the long way around via the path. Lillian and the rest of the party, try to cross the overgrowth. Lillian first tries to burn a path, but eventually decides to simply work her way through the brush. Along the way, they find a an evicorated giant spider. Demna clearly identifies the damage as having been inflicted by a dragon. Lillian incinerates the spider by casting Produce Flame.
Keras encounters some spider webs that he narrowly avoids and heads up the hill to the tower. The party meets up at the entrance to the tower at about the same time.
Lillian attempts to kick the door in to the tower building, injures her ankle and fails to enter the door. Demna approaches the door, turns the knob and opens the door. Now reunined, the party enters the tower where their noses are quickly assaulted by an acrid stench. The first room has a thin layer of dust and cobwebs on damaged furniture.
As the party enters and begins to explore they find themselves collecting a light covering of cobwebs which slows their motion and impeads their ability to explore drawers and containers. Finding nothing, Billie investigates at the door. Billie fails to be stealth but does carefully listen at the door. He listens at the door and discovers that it is eerily quiet. Billie lets his party folks know what he heard in a voice far from a whisper.
"What's the worst that could happen?"
Keras says quietly as he opens the door unveiling a several story tower with a collapsed staircase along the sides. Their ears are assualted by the sound of slithering and then a thunderclap as a green dragon decends into the tower floor spreading its wings wide. Demna recognizes this dragon as a poison dragon.
The dragon, with hatred in his eyes, swipes across Keras's chest leaving a massive gash. He lashes out at Billie as well who narrowly avoids the swipes. Demna enters the fray casting a Chromatic Orb at the dragon, which it deftly avoids. In a near rage, Demna quickens her spells and casts another Chromatic Orb. The resonance of their draconic magics, combined with their hatred causes the elemental orbs to multiply and then slam into the dragon dealing significant damage. The dragon howls in pain.
Lillian enters the room casting Healing Word on Keras and then shooting the triple beam of Scorching Ray at the dragon. Two beams connect with the dragon, leaving scortch marks across its body. Dripp decides to fight dragon with dragon, summoning a lightning drake to enter the battle and commanding him to attack.
The drake attempts to damage the dragon's wing but fails. Keras takes advantage of the distraction to move into flanking range, while fortifying his protection with a Shield of Faith spell. Still glowing with the holy light of Thasa, he casts a vibrant Guiding Bolt which the dragon narrowly avoids, only for Keras to gesture it back, causing the holy beam to reverse and blasting the dragon in the head, leaving it glowing as a clear target for his party.
Billie screaming to draw the attention of the dragon, ducks under its tail, moves to a flanking location and repeatedly slams into the dragon with his quarter staff, leaving it very battered. His head wreathed in new smoke
Poison smoe attack. hitting Dripp, Demna, and Lillian and bringing them to the edge of death.
"You have not seen the last of Venomfang!"
The dragon, leaping into the air, and showing a clear weakness in its one wing, Venomfang flies off in a fury. "Come back you coward!" Billie shouts out as it disappears into the horizon.
Find a large broken open chest
150GP 800SP
4 Silver Goblets set with Moonstones (worth 60GP each)
Scroll of Misty Step
Scroll of Lightning Bolt
Rusty Dwarven Axe (Hew, +1 Battle Axe)
Keras casts Identify on the battle axe, recogniing the dwarven made weapon as Hew a weapon that gives its weilder a powerful advantage against plant based targets. Although untrained, he decides to pocket Hew and the Scroll of Misty Step. The party takes a long rest, baracaded in the cottage and recovering from their near death experience. They awake stronger than before and discover they have gained new abilities.
Waking in the middle of the night, the party decides to recover the treasure they initially came for. Approaching the building, Keras suggests that the party burn all of the cobwebs. Lillian obliges, casting Produce Flame she vaporizes the webs, and the party heads towards the entrance. Keras and Billie enter and begin investigating. The party follows shortly afterwards. As they all enter, two giant spiders drop from the ceiling.