
"Except For Smitty, He's Kinda Racist"

May 1st, 2021

When we last joined our adventurers, they had killed the nefarious necromancer of Old Owl Well and returned to Phandalin. After significant bargaining the party aquired magical full plate armor for Billie and found out about an upcoming auction in town. The party heads to the town green for the auction festivities.

Phandalin, Frontier Town of the Area

Waiting for the auction to start, Keras decides to capitalize on the growing crowd performing a series of his favorite lute songs. With an open container in front of him, the party is awstruck and Keras collects 25GP. Dripp and Lillian are uninterested in the auction and go off to the tavern to drink.

The party sees that the weapons and arms sell for less than they would expect.

"One of yours stood me up. We need to discuss things soon."

Identified the circlet, all elven. The stone in the center, detects crackback of magical energy. It eminates draconic energy. It likely came off of a black dragon. As Keras casts Identify, the magical kick back physically forces his head back.

Keras, insinuates that "We're never going to be friends, but we can be business partners." Tells him that if he hadn't signed up with the goody two shoes

Halia knows that Keras is part of the Lord's Alliance, Halia offers to show Keras a good time if he ever wants.

Strange that all of Elwin's goods are selling at next to nothing in the auction. The townsfolk assume that Elwin has died and they are saddened. Wanting mementos, Billie purchases a lyre and Demna purchases a bagpipe for 2CP each. There is a sign showing the auction is "in memoriam."

Halia offers everyone in the crowd a flower. These flowers look strangely like apples, and each member silently places these at the Shrine of Luck. Halia thanks the assembled people for coming and states that the raised funds will fund the construction of a wall around the town. The party drops their flowers at the shrine.

With the rest of the day, the party members all go off on their own little adventures. Demna goes off to find more nipple snacks, going to Barthen's Provisions gathering 250 crispy seasoned pig nipples (in four exciting flavors). Billie helps the town with their purchased auction goods. Keras continues to play music moving to the Tavern with Dripp and Lillian.

After a couple hours, the party returns to their manner, discovering that the orcs have contructed a sizable barrier of wood and metal around the manner. At the gate, Keras knocks and announces the return of their cheiftan. Excited they let the party back inside, and are shocked at how well they've secured the area. The orcs show that they are busy repairing the manner, creating terraces for farming, and teaching their children common. They've demonstrated an ability to learn languages quickly and a real grasp of construction techniques.

Inspired by their initiative, Billie shares his pride in them. They explain that they have located a stream in the woods behind the manner, which they are clearing for the contruction of a water wheel for a mill and irrigation. They brought 3 months of provisions and when it runs out they should have crops ready by the time it runs out.

Billie tries to gift his lyre to the children, but they quickly make a mold of it and start making copies. They show amazing aptitude for musical instuments. They've also shown incredible initiative in decronstructing the mansion and building a new wooden mansion on the old foundation. They explain that they have studied many skills for years hoping to build a village of their own and integrate into larger peaceful society. Impressively, they even have their own forge set up, which Keras determines to be very skilled.

They continue their tour of the improvements, showing that they've used salvaged stone from above to repair the underground areas of the manor. They have improved and excavated the area, and even more suprisingly, they have befriended the nothic Bread. With a joking suggestions by Keras, the orcs decide to proposition Bread into becoming a history teacher for the youngling orcs, since he is hundreds of years old and have delved the minds of countless sentients over the years. Diedrich, the only member of the 50 person tribe completely fluent in common, has sort of become a deputy of sorts to Billie.

Billie heads off to his secret meeting at Edermath Orchard. Keras decides to play cards with Bread. Demna decides to fry her pig nipples, finding a special note from Sister Graele offering her a secret meeting of the same. As she cooks her nipples, the one special nipple, doesnt char but goes opaline, when she eats it, she sees visions of her ancestors and and her scales grow thicker. Her senses grow stronger, she can smell and see so much more, even gaining the ability to smell honesty. Together, Demna and Billie head off to their respective meetings.

Billie goes to Edermath Orchard to speak with Daran Edermath. Daran congratulates Billie on his good works with the orcs. He shares information about the justice focused Order of the Gauntlet. He offers Billie membership in the order, explaining their moral code. Billie requests time to think on the offer, explaining he will return the following day with a decision.

Symbol of the Order of the Gauntlet

Billie heads off to his secret meeting at Edermath Orchard. Keras decides to play cards with Bread. Demna decides to fry her pig nipples, finding a special note from Sister Graele offering her a secret meeting of the same. As she cooks her nipples, the one special nipple, doesnt char but goes opaline, when she eats it, she sees visions of her ancestors and and her scales grow thicker. Her senses grow stronger, she can smell and see so much more, even gaining the ability to smell honesty. Together, Demna and Billie head off to their respective meetings.

Billie goes to Edermath Orchard to speak with Daran Edermath. Daran congratulates Billie on his good works with the orcs. He shares information about the justice focused Order of the Gauntlet. He offers Billie membership in the order, explaining their moral code. Billie requests time to think on the offer, explaining he will return the following day with a decision.

Before leaving, Daren offers any needed supplies from the orchard. Billie secures several casks of apple brandy for the orcs, as well as several barrels of apples and some apple seeds.

He returns to the manor, to the pleasant suprise of the orc tribe who decide to throw a small celebration, filled with music and drunken enjoyment.

Demna heads to the Shrine of Luck, where she can smell Sister Graele, but not see her. She tracks her to a location behind the Shrine where she still cannot see her, but is certain that she's standing there. She pokes the invisable sister, who exclaims that the nipple must have works.

Sister Graele explained the ethics and tactics of the Harpers, explaining their secretive nature. She explains that they have at times been too passive. She explains they work in a decentralized cell structure, and that she feels they have needed some additional muscle in defense of the the volnerable.

Sister Graele explains that if she accepts, the special pig nipples can continue being provided to her. Demna accepts. The sister provides her with a secret cloth with a symbol to show her allegiance to another secret member of the Harpers. Barthan is also a member of the Harpers, and can provide her with occasional special snacks in the future.

As she walks away, Demna loses her enhanced abilities. Continued consumption of these special snacks awakens abilities that often set dormant in dragonborn for several decades. The magic paper she was initially given displays a new welcome message, and explanation that she has been granted the rank of watcher.

Symbol of the Harpers

After much reverie, the orcs all pass out. With the remaining time, Keras spends time teaching Billie and Demna on their new instruments. Early the next morning before everyone wakes, Billie visits Darren and accepts his offer to the Order fo the Gauntlet. He is gifted a small pin to symbolize his membership.