
"Apple Brandy... Its Magically Delicious"

March 20th, 2021

When we last joined our adventurers, they had defeated the wizard mastermind of the Red Brands, Iarno "Glassstaff" Albrek. The party cleared the lair of the Red Brands, defeated a pack of bug bears, satisfied the nothic "Bread" and collected their outstanding debts. Keras was offered and accepted an invitation to join the Lords Alliance and the party settled down for a well deserved night of rest with their wolves at the Stonehill Inn in Phandalin.

In the morning, Dripp discovers a note left for him in the night. With a seal magically bound to only let him open it, it says "Your skills have value, if you'd like to learn more... meet me at the Miner's Exchange." Dripp shares this information, but fears it may be a trap and decides against acting on it yet.

As part of their morning routine, Lillian casts Speak With Animals, and Billie and her feed them some preserved meat. After copious ear scratches and belly rubs the wolves have been soothed. Today is the day, while almost inperceptable, they notice the wolves have truly become tame. They will not leave the party now.

Left To Right: Fluffy, Snuffy, and Gruffy
The Stonehill Inn

The party goes down to the Stonehill Inn's tavern and asks for breakfast. Toblin Stonehill and his wife Trilena greet the party warmly. Toblin seems excited and explains that the Lionshield Coster got in fresh fish from the coast this morning, and treats the party to a large breakfast of richly spiced fish balls. Keras in particular finds these delicious. As the party is eating, a sister of the cloth, Sister Garaele, enters the inn and requests a modest meal from Toblin. She appears to be in pain and eating with some difficulty. Lillian asks her why she seems to be injured and if she needs assistance. The sister explains that she's been charged to recover Bowgentle's Book by the church. She explains when she went to the area where it was to be found, a vicous banshee assaulted her. She was not able to recover the book, and escaped far worse for the wear. The Banshee, an undead elf spirit named Agatha, guards the book. Sister Garaele explains that if presented with a jewelled silver comb as a gift, Agatha may be pacified. Once pacified, anyone could likely recover Bowgentle's Book without incident.

While she has no gold to give the party, she says the Church of Serenray could provider several Potions of Healing. She explains the party should head towards Conyberry about 100 miles along the Triboar Trail from Phandalin. From Conyberry, the party should head East-Northeast towards the banshee's lair. Sister Garaele draws a crude map for the adventurers.

Keras is very familiar with banshees, they are often malevolvent, and it is said that their cries can cause death. They are whispy cursed ghosts bound to the physical world for all eternity. The covet beautiful objects. They are immune to most physical attacks that are non-magical. They have significant resistances on most types of damage (excluding radiant, psycic, and holy). Keras advises the party against a direct conflict, they are very dangerous.

Regardless, the party decides they should at least try to get a jewelled comb. The party needs to sell its recovered loot. With his new connections, Keras decides to head to the Lionshield Coster, taking some fish balls to Halia.

Sister Garaele

"Wonderful to see you!" Shouts the clerk and directs the party to have a seat and. Sells 593GP. Linene offers to sell a jewelled silver comb for for 75GP (a discount of 25GP). Keras attempts to persuade her to include ear plugs for the party. She interprets this in its most litteral sense and explains the party can mix spit and dirt for "free earplugs." Linene agrees to send the comb and the party's earnings to the Stonehill Inn shortly.

The party heads to Smitty the Smithy, who is already engrossed in his work. The party requests their gear to be silvered. At a cost of 400GP the party agrees to silver their weapons and arrows (where possible). The party leaves their weapons with Smitty for his work, which he states should be done by lunch. Deciding to stay in town until lunch, the party heads to Edermath Orchard to aquire pack horses.

The party approaches Daren Edermath. Daren does not appear to be doing any work on the orchard, but greats them warmly. The party agrees to buy 3 draft horses and 2 riding horses for 300GP.

Daren Edermath, Former Adventuer

Casting Detect Magic, Keras determins that the trees, apples are magic. There are magic ghostly hands harvesting the apples into baskets. Keras is able to see the figure carrying the baskets up to its delivery locations. The magic is being fed into the trees through the earth.

After plucked the apples seem to grow back in a matter of seconds. There are no apples on the ground, Kat tries the apple and its delicious. Deciding to investigate these trees, she casts Speak with Plants on the Trees. Once cast, she thanks the tree for its fruit.

"You are very welcome, this is a place of peace and bounty." the whisper comes from all locations. She asks about their origin. The trees claim to have been here since before the Gods. They identify themselves as "The Source." Keras notices the ghostly apple pickers seem to have stopped. Lillian asks for their blessing, and they state they do not interfere, but the party can take as many apples as they wish. Noticing that the is no graveyard in the town, she asks the trees if they know where the dead go, just as the spell ends. Lillian shares these details with the party.

There horses prepped, Daren explaints that the land is magic and garvests itself. Anything planted there grows rapidly without any issues. Daren offers the party as many apples as they want for free, as well as some free test batched of his homade apple brandy.

  • Small Cask of Apple Brandy (About 8 gallons)

  • Bushel of Apples

Keras tries the brandy and it is very smooth. There is a delicious blend of tart and sweet. Folks are welcome to take the brandy for free. The party takes their horses back into town. They grab lunch at the Stonehill Inn, and many of the townsfolk. Linene joins the party, letting them know the town is deciding to elect a council to administer the town. Their first decision was to grant the adventurers the Tresendar Manor. She also gives the party their gold and comb then needed. The party accepts. Linene asks what she should call the party. After a breif conversation, they decide on "The Flaming Horse Heads." Which she puts on the deed, as "FHH" and offers to get some signet rings, and letterhead with their new name.

With the sun now at its full height, the party heads to the Smithy. Although Smitty is not there, the silvered weapons are. A careful inspection of the silvering shows a small emblem of a fire maned horse on each. They grab their weapons and head to the town center to regoup. With their supplies, gathered, their horses saddled, and their wolves following they head off along the Tribor Trail.

Several hours into their journey, the party is set upon by five armed Orcs. As soon as the party sees them, they charge shouting out (in orkish) "Take their items but do not kill them. We will get many shinies for the leader."

Dripp is first to act and lands a solid shot at one of the approaching hoard. The Orc attempts to return a thrown javalin in response. This slightly spooks his horse, but he manages to secure his horse and dismount.

The orcs quickly start to surround the party, with Lillian casting Shocking Grasp and stunning the orc closest to her.

The Triboar Trail, Known For Its Danger

The orcs are all chanting "Lay down your arms" (which remains unitelligable for all but Billie) frightening nearly the full party, except for Keras. Lillian also quickly shakes off her fright. Lillian casts a vicous blast of Scorching Ray injuring several orcs. This starts to enrage the orcs. They swing out with deadly blows, which both Keras and Billie both avoid. These swings spook the horses, but the whole party manages to hold on.

Billie shows off, leaping to a standing position on his horses saddle, gaining him the high ground. Billie jumps off,

Keras casts sleep, knocking out 4 of the orcs. The last remaining orc surrenders... to Billie.

Keras and the others restrain all of the orcs with their rope. Billie explains that if they do not fight we'll permit them to live. Billie beings to question them. The orcs explain that they are just scouts and that they haven't been attacking the town. They've only been raiding because their cheiftan has demanded they do so. Their cheiftan lives in Wyveryn's Tor and that they are farmers.

Billie passes everything he has learned. And the party discusses possibly recruiting them, or having them serve as staff at the manor. Billie asks them if they would prefer he be their cheiftan and serve them. They agree to serve him, but only if the party kills Brughor Axe-Bitter and his ogre companion Gog. They explain there are 7 more orcs that would also join the party. The party agrees to dispatch their awful leader.

The party retires for the night. The orcs climb into the trees where Keras gives each of them a glass of their apple brandy. They enjoy it nd immediately pass out. The party chooses to hold thethe orcs' weapons through the night. As the party is about to go to bed, 4 additional orcs wander into camp with axes drawn. The captive orcs, still a little tipsy, tell them to put down their weapons and tell them they must try the "Miracle Water" the orcs build a bonfire and throw a rager party. After the effects of the apple brandy wear off the now 9 orcs pass out where they stand.

The part gets its long rest it. The following morning the orcs are all up before the party. Somehow free of a hang over. The party removes their bindings and gets their weapons back. They leave their horses at the camp site in the care of their wolves.

As the party heads towards the Wyveryn Tor. The orcs are chanting and following the party. Their shouts pull in yet another follower. Leaving the party with now 10 orcs.

Gog, The Filty Orge

As the party enters the formerly abandoned castle they see the trappings of a small orc civilization. They stand back from the party as they approach a larger orc. The leader of the Orcs, Brughor Axe-Bitter. Followed by the orge Gog.

"Who challenges me?" shouts out Brughor. Casting Thalmaturgy Keras responds "The Flaming Horse Head" in a booming voice. Speaking orcish, to the musical stylings of a Keras battlehymn, Billie shouts out "We're here for your head" intimidating the leader.

Combat commences with all of the Orcs now rallying behind the party in a threatening arc. Dripp throws out a threatening first arrow, missing Brough, but landing mere inches in front of him between his legs. Dripp then lays down his weapon, raises his hands, and calls out in draconic "I summon the storm!" A thunder drake appears before the orc cheif, shocking him with its lightning attack.

Demna lashes out with her Acid Breath and quickly followed by a vicous Tasha's Mind Whip striking the Ogre causing it to shreek out in extreme pain and tenporarily inhibiting its ability to react to attacks. Seeing his opportunity to land a blow on the cheiftan, Billie lands a powerful strike with his quarterstaff on Brough's head, clearly shaking his resolve.

Lillian cast Moon Beam down on Gog the Orge, as he rushes towards Demna, dealing radiant damage as the shimmering beam shoots down from the heavens. Keras casts Dissonant Whispers dealing more psycic damage to the orge, and causing it to drop its club. Keras then moves to flank the orc cheiftan.

Dripp swaps out his bow for his swords, but it deflected by its thick hide. Dripp's drake does manage to do some damage. Brughor seeing the momentum of the battle changing, tries to rally his tribe to his cause, but they only jeer and laiugh at him. Starting to fill with rage he lashes out with a viscous axe blow against Billie. The strike tears into his chainmail and knocks his shield out of his hands. Seeing her ally, in trouble, Demna casts an acidic chromatic orb at Brughor burning away an eye and much of his skin burned off.

The sizzling body of Brughor falls face first to the ground, with everyone pausing a moment to observe. The cheiftan suddenly moves, and gets back up, with exposed bone and an eye missing. The orcs step back in terror of the now, disfigured beast. Billie hits him with a massive blow, killing him. He uses his remaining strike to smash his head, showering Keras is gray matter. A cheer rolls out from the orcs, as they all unleash their javelins at Gog the Ogre. Looking like a massive pin cushion, the orge falls to his death.

Lillian heals the party and they loot the cheiftan and his treasure pile.

The party recovers the following items:

  • Great Axe

  • 750CP 180SP 62EP 30GP

  • 3 Vials of Perfume (Worth 10GP each)

The party, and the village of orcs, spent the night celebrating their independace with a feast. The party gets a full night's rest.