
Saving Throws, More Like Saving Blows

April 23rd, 2022

When we last joined our adventurers, they had woken in a glade outside of an enormous walled city, filled with citizens wearing very dated clothing. After securing a place to stay for a few days and some new threads, they begin investigating their surroundings. Despite looking nothing like the town they remember, the city's inhabitants claim it to be Phandalin. More peculiarly, all residents (including our adventurers) are tracked by a magical number system on the outside of their hands. With crimes and uncivil acts causing the score to turn red. Exploring the city, they locate a chain gang of red number citizens venturing into the depths of the city.

Keras, ever the social butterfly, decides to simply walk up to a guard and ask politely about the chain gangs. The guard explains that scores can be positive and blue or negative and red. Anyone with a red five or higher is forced to work in the city depths mines. The guard explains that the mines under the city are incredibly rich filled with the near impervious white stones the city is constructed from and rich veins of gold. Keras tips the guard 1SP and returns to the party to explain what he learned.

While explaining what he learned to the rest of the party, several of the party members notice citizens wearing metal identification plates made of precious metals. The party manages to determine that these are adventurers. The city appears to have a formalized adventurers guild, which regulates and classifies adventurers.

Lillian discusses the plates with a guard named Jaque (#1327) who explains that only licensed adventurers may enter the depths, and that the date is the 7th day of the month of Julianus in the 923rd year since the raising of the raising of Phandalin.

The Ancient City-State of Phandalin
The Adventurers Guild

The party decides to seek out the Adventurers Guild. Inside an incredible array of humanoids wearing name plates can be found. Inside there is a tavern-like atmosphere, a rather unexceptional human stands behind the counter. Keras approaches him and explains that the party would like to become formal adventurers.

The human, named Frederick, explains that there is a contest that each member must pass to become an adventurer. There are six tests to choose from and it costs 100GP to participate. He explains that the adventurer's guild cannot be held liable for any injuries and that the party's activities will be recorded while testing.

Keras pays the 600GP from the party's gold and they follow Frederick down to the testing arena.

After a significant trip down the stone stairway the party finds themself in a giant white stone room. Frederick explains that each test is tied to a primary attribute. Each member chooses a test that most closely matches their strengths. The first test is the Test of Strength that Billie attempts. Billie is given a handle to make a fountain produce water. The handle is used to create pressure by pulling on it as hard as you can. The test is completed successfully when water flows freely from the fountain. Billie approaches the handle and gives it a small test pull. He notices a lot of tension on the handle with many gears and a plunger connected that continues the motion down into the water source. Billie quickly passes the test with an inspiring display of strength. Billie explains he has lots of experience tugging on poles as a sailor.... *cough* Frederick engraves his name on a silver plate and presents it to him.

The Test of Dexterity is next, with Dripp participating. Frederick explains that the test is to catch blunted chakrams on a staff which are thrown by a group of monks. He must catch as many as possible. Dripp easily catches the first one but misses the second as he is distracted by his flask dropping to the ground. The third and fourth strikes his chest and hip. Bruised but still trying, Dripp attempts to catch the fifth, which he catches with his head, not the staff. The sixth and final chakram flies incredibly fast but he manages to catch it with his staff. Frederick congratulates him on passing and hands him a bronze name plate.

The Test of Wisdom is next. Which is a game of "I Spy" with a magical tapestry that contains the members of the party's likenesses. Lillian approaches the tapestry and looks over the sea of thousands of faces and is nearly overwhelmed by the task. She takes roughly 25 minutes, stepping back and trying to visualize them. Eventually she locates them and uses a Burning Hands spell to burn away the rest of the tapestry leaving only the portraits of her party members. Frederick grants Lillian a bronze name plate.

Last is the Test of Charisma, which both Demna and Keras will take. The lights dim as Frederick reaches out to the ceiling. Spectral people appear in the room. Frederick explains that they must each sell something to the specters. Demna attempts to sell hugs to the spectral figures, attracting only one. She is awarded a bronze name plate for her efforts.

Keras performs a musical jingle selling "Keras Kisses" and attracts five specters. He dolls out five *special* kisses on the formless specters. Keras is awarded a silver name plate, which he attempts to kiss too, scolding his lips.

Frederick explains that the ranks are Wood, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Mithril, Orichalcum, Adamantine. The party is considered a bronze level party. The party or its members can do tasks for the guild to earn additional reputation points on their hands. The guild allows members to make trades for goods or services with those points. Everyone's scores have gone up by one point.

Frederick takes the party upstairs to a wooden board that shows the available quests. most quests reward reputation rewards. Some also grant gold. The awards in reputation scale by difficulty.

  • Wood (1-9 points)

  • Bronze (10-99 points)

  • Silver (100-999 points)

  • Gold (1000-9999 points)

  • Mithril (10,000-99,999 points)

The party catches a glimpse of Frederick's hand which shows 100K. He explains that succeeding in the quest awards the points and failing subtracts them. He congratulates the party as new adventurers and explains their solemn duty to the city. He also explains that they can take their first tasks tomorrow, for today, they must celebrate! Frederick proclaims on drinks on the house.

Adventure Notice Board

The party members, and their fellow guild mates all get more than a little drunk. Demna finds a few fellow dragonborn guild members who help her fully transition to an emerald gem bloodline dragonborn. She is delighted by the development. She now has two small wings, leathery green skin, and two slightly floating horns. Lillian seeks out fellow genasi, finding a married genasi couple one water and one fire named Chelle and Sebastien. She shares her story with them and joins them in their drinking festivities, using the opportunity to Wild Shape into a brown bear. Billie goes searching for a strong drink and a fight. He finds some potent dwarven fire whiskey. Playing up his drunkenness, he approaches a fierce looking halfling who takes the bait and heckles Billie. Billie and the halfling enter a brawl that quickly encompasses everyone around them. The fight ended in a draw, but Billie quickly makes a new brawl frenemy, Graeven the halfling. Dripp indulges in some fire whiskey as well, stripping down to his undergarments and joining the brawl. Keras chooses this opportunity to play a dancy song and quickly recruits other musically inclined guild members in on the fun, turning the guild into a club like environment. The entire crew gets thoroughly smashed and passes out well into the night.

The following morning, each party member is awoken by Frederick, who congratulates them on passing the "final test" by being cool enough to party with them. He hands each of them a formal looking document that is magically protected from alteration formally recognizing them as members of the guild. They each notice their hand numbers have gone up by 10. They drink some coffee and tea, eat some eggs and bacon, and then head over to the adventurer quest board to select their first task.