"Just get me wet and I practically sparkle."
January 23rd, 2021
When we last joined our adventurers they had successfully cleared the goblin lair of Cragmaw Hideout, rescued Sildar Hallwinter, and defeated the bugbear boss Klarg. The party returned to the road and joined their cart with their 3 new wolf companions: Fluffy, Snuffy, and Gruffy and headed towards the village of Phandalin in the hopes of delivering their cargo to Barthen's Provisions and investigating the disappearance of Gundren Rockseeker.
Taking off towards the village, the party talks to Sildar about the events of his capture, the history of the area, and the Rockseeker family. He explains that about 500 years ago a treaty called the Pact of Phandelver was signed. The pact was, initially, an agreement between gnomes and dwarves. Later, a group of human spellcasters from the nearby town of Phandalin joined the strategic alliance. The formal agreement of the pact was essentially that the three parties would share the profits of the Wave Echo Cave. The cave has great mineral wealth, and is highly magical. The human mages, along with the original clans of the pact, bound the magical energy into a forge known as the Forge of Spells. The magical forge was used to enchant powerful magical items. He goes on to explain that the old town of Phandalin was abandoned after relentless attacks by Orc tribes. The location of Wave Echo Cave was lost in the chaos that ensued. The new village of Phandalin is still fairly new, and still rather small. Sildar shared that Gundren's missing map revealed the location of Wave Echo Cave and he believes both Gundren and the map have been taken to Cragmaw Castle.
Sildar recommends the party seek out Iarno Albrek, a member of the Lords' Alliance from the wizard's college, who was sent to the town of Phandalin to establish constabulary and establish order in Phandalin. Sildar believes Iarno could help the party locate Cragmaw Castle and eventually Wave Echo Cave.
Quickly approaching the town, Billie recognizes that the town might be wary of unrestrained wolves. Lilian uses Speak With Animals and explains to Fluffy, Snuffy, and Gruffy why the party must restrain them. They are warry but agree to let the party give them crude collars and leashes fashioned by Billie with his nautical knot tying skills. Leaving the wooded hillside, the group sees the village of Phandalin in the distance.
Phandalin is an old style frontier town that has grown up around the old ruins of the abandoned town that once stood before. Most of the buildings are single story dwellings except for a small inn which has an upstairs floor for visitors and guests of the inn. The buildings are of stone and wood frame while the entrance to town is no more than an old dirt road. There is a small town green at the center as well as a small orchard on the outskirts of the town. An ancient manor stands somewhat dilapidated on the hill to the overlooking the town. As the party enters the villagers take wary notice of the strange group of adventurers.
Sildar, still shaken from his ordeal as a prisoner of the goblins, immediately seems to relax as he enters the village. He recommends that the party seek out the local inn as he is exhausted. The party heads directly to the Stonehill Inn. Entering the inn, in the company of two of their wolf companions, they encounter inn's owner, Toblin Stonehill. Keras purchases 3 rooms for the night for party for 24SP. Tobiln, is clearly disturbed by the wolves and insists on up-charging the party an additional gold piece for each wolf costing an additional 3GP. The party pays the fee and leaves Sildar to enjoy the amenities in the inn's adjoining tavern. A quick glance shows the tavern and its buxom barmaid Elsa is not very busy, with only two shady looking patrons in the far corner.
Seeing two of their wolves safely to their rooms, the party decides to search for Barthen's Provisions to delivered their much beleaguered cargo. The adventurers quickly locate the trader's shop and enter to discuss the matter of their payment with the titular owner Elmar Barthen. Elmar greets the party warmly and is clearly happy to see his cargo delivered safely. Barthen quickly hands out the promised 10GP per person. Keras, points out that there are actually 3 additional companions who ensured the safe delivery of the goods, and persuades him to give an additional 30GP for the wolves.
The adventurers, finally with some gold in their pockets, pursues Elmar's wares and asks about his services. The party sells the recovered statuette and gold teeth recovered from Cragmaw Cavern for 43GP. Elmar also offers to smoke and preserve the meat the party had recovered from the fallen horses for 5GP. The party gladly pays the fee, with Elmar promising delivery in a day's time. Seeking out a location to sell the armor and weapons the party had looted, Elmar advises the party to head to the local smith shop just a little further down the way.
Marked by a simple pictograph outside, the party easily locates the local smith. Entering, the party meets the brawny John "Smithy" Smith. The party, perhaps too trusting, haggle for a price for the numerous sets of weapons and armor they recovered from the goblins and bugbear. They secure payment of 450GP for the sale of all of the recovered weapons and armor. (The items true value was 1035GP.) Keras asks if he could pay for collars to be made for the wolves. Smithy agrees, taking some careful measurements around the neck of the wolf companion still accompanying them. A price of 5GP each is agreed upon with delivery in a day or two. Keras, pays the 15GP out of the money given by Elmar for the wolves.
The party asks about the wares available from Smithy and finds little of superior quality to their own gear within their price range. The one exception being a positively beautiful set of full plate armor available for 1500GP. This steeply discounted (but still way out of their price rage) set of armor has been in the shop for over 6 months. While the price keeps falling, Smithy has been unable to find a buyer for the piece. Close examination of the armor shows that it glows with a magical sheen. This sheen is a testiment to the quality and passion Smithy put into its construction and grants a +1 boost to defense. Smithy explains that he's been at the settlement since the rebuilding started and that the party should visit Elwin the woodworker, his mentor, if they require a replacement for their now surrendered cart. Before they leave, Smithy, seeing how honest and kind the adventurers have been, decides to disclose the problems facing the small village. He explains that there are some brigands that live in Phandalin who call themselves staying at the Sleeping Giant Inn. Smithy tells the party to avoid them. Dripp strongly desires to investigate them further but decides to wait to do so. In parting, Smithy asks the party to send Iarno the town wizard to him should the party see him.
The party then heads to the woodworking shop. Entering the shop, the party smells the warm smells of pine and cedar, behind the counter they see a very large human man. Elwin stands there, shirtless except for a leather apron, and is a very hairy and strappingly muscular man (big muscle daddy vibes.) Elwin greets the party and asks how he can help them. Keras explains his recent decision to pursue music and asks if Elwin could possibly xcited by Keras's request. Gold scroll wrk two stage latch, inside is a pair of ivory panflues. -10GP
Wood working tools. -5GP to Lilian. Elwin also discloses that the town is being occupied by a bandit group. The townmaster of Phandalin, owns the lionshield coster. Linene Graywind sort of the mayor.
The Lionshield Coster is a merchant company, there are 4 folks behind counters. they look like merchants. 35 year old woman with a streak of grey in her hair doing paperwork on a desk. Keras.
Offered 50 GP for info and another 50GP on delivery.
Man in the corner, star and sickle claims he is a body guard. The party is suspicious of him.
Return to the inn, more busy, two randos are still in the corner. The wolves are reunited. Sildar already awake at the bar.
Keras, performs my frosted dairy confection brings al the serfs to the tavern.
Billie buysSildar him another round of beer. Asks him fir the "strong stuff" and offers a dwarven fire wiskey bottle for 10gp they buy it. and he's very drunk... he's a sad drunk. He crys on Billie's sholder thanking them for saving him.
Over the course of the night the following bits of gosip and rumors were gathered by the adventurers.
Sister of the shrine of luck was injured aftercoming back from a trip. Orc breakers on the outskirts of time and the master is looking to pay someone to handle them.
Elsa the bar maid tells the party they should visit the orchard. Owned by a former adventurer Daren Edermath.
Wife Fel Denrar, old wood carver, when the ruffians came through leared at his wife. Fel was murdered by the fuffians. His wife daughter and sons have gone missing. The redbrands. Not sure how many are actually in the town. Son pops up secret tunnel in the woods but the redbrands almost found them.
an old farmer: “Sister Garaele, who oversees the Shrine of Luck, recently left town for a few days, then returned wounded and exhausted.
Elsa, a gossipy barmaid: “Daran Edermath, the orchard keeper, is a former adventurer.”
a miner: “Orc raiders have been seen on the east end of Triboar Trail. The townmaster is looking for someone to run them off.
the innkeeper’s wife: “Thel Dendrar, a local woodcarver, stood up to the Redbrands a tenday ago when they came by his shop and leered at his wife. The ruffians murdered him. Several townsfolk saw it happen. The Redbrands grabbed his body, and now his wife, daughter, and son have gone missing too.”
Pip, Toblen’s young son: “Qelline Alderleaf’s son Carp said he found a secret tunnel in the woods, but Redbrands almost caught him.” Lilian takes some
As they head up to their room they hear a Woman speaking to the bar keeps wife. She's wearing well made cothes and has calused finger prints. The party hears her saying the redbrands bother everyone except the miner's guild. Consoles her about the death of Thel. weaver “The Redbrands hassle every business in town, except for the Phandalin Miner’s Exchange. They don’t want trouble with Halia Thornton, who runs it.”
Lillian goes outside with some bread crumbs and attracts a special raven. she speaks to one of them "hello little friend" one parrots it back, gives him a silver piece, it grabs it and flies off. and casts the Lillian bonds him as her billie pets gruffy. snuffy snuggles lilian. Gruffy growls in the middle of the night and a message is left under Billie's door. Its a voucher for 50 GP from the lion shield coster.
"If you are here to help, I have time free at 9am tomorrow."