"This Is A Bad Hentai Waiting To Happen"
July 10th, 2021
When we last joined our adventurers, they had burst in to the hideout of the dragon cultists in their exporation of the lost village of Thundertree. Using a judicious amount of Sleep spells and copious amounts of rope, they stripped, bound, and gagged the cultists, drove away their leader, and convinved them that Demna is now their new Queen/Goddess. They let the newly converted cultists go with a promise that they would return to worship their new Queen on the new moon in Phandalin. The party takes a long rest.
They decide to finish exploring the rest of the village's remaining buildings. Approaching the first of the four remaining buildings, they descover an old weavers shop. Inside is a broken loom and piles of decaying cotton and fabric. They search the building but they find nothing of interest. They decide to move to the next building.
They enter the next building and find a simple very clean looking building. Dripp appears to be very hyper this morning, doing back flips into the building and landing in a somehow alluring but intimidating pose. They look but find nothing. The party moves into the town square further to the north.
The party approaches the town center which has a wooden statue that almost noone identifies.
Keras recognies the statue as the old hero Palien who defeated several monsters in Neverwinter Wood when Thundertree was first founded. Keras is touched by the lost history as the plaque under it has since faded. Keras takes out his smith's tools and recarves the name of the hero and his deeds. Upon completion, he play "The Song of Thundertree" which was actually an ancient story of Palien's deads.
The rest of the party is... less effective... playing with forest creatures, digging in the dirt for smooth rocks, and wadering into nearby buildings. Which are largely empty except for some particularly springy moss.
Having finished their random wanderings, the party approaches the last intact looking building. What appears to be a barracks. Early investigation at the door reveals the smell of smoke and what appears to be dust floating inside. Fearing the worst, Lillian casts Tidal Wave into the building. The wave of water floods the building and then quickly rushes out now very dirty. Looking inside the party sees washed ash zombies groaning inside.
More groans quickly join those originally heard inside. Lillian chooses to cast Conjur Animals, summoning a giant octopus and a giant hyena. She directs them to attack the undead. She attempts to fire her crossbow but fails.
Demna enters next and casts twin Chromatic Orbs at the two closest ash zombies killing one permanently and the other seemingly only temporarily affected by the acidic orb. Dripp jumps into combat to finishing off the still prone zombie with his sword.
Keras runs into the next room, seeing another ash zombie which he hits with a Guiding Bolt, leaving it glowing with radiant light and blowing its arm off. The summoned creatures join the fray with the giant octopus entering another room and attacking one ash zombie. The hyena goes on an absolute rampage killing the armless zombie and then running to join the octopus in the other room.
The party clusters into the last remaining room with the ash zombies and conjured animals. The resulting malestrom ends in a cluster of magic, tentacles, fur, and weapons. An Ice Knife spell from Lillian taking out one ash zombie and the final ash zombie being dispatched by a truely impressive use of the bow by Dripp. The octopus disposing of the corpes in the best way it knows how, by consuming it.
The party, now out of combat proceeds to explore the abandonned barracks, finding only rotten food, rusted armor and weapons, and a small rat skeleton... which Dripp turned into a macabre personal decoration. The summons eventiually disappear and the party takes a short rest, with Keras playing a Song of Rest, to recover. Secure in the knowledge that they have finally cleared the village of Thundertree of all enemies. During the short rest, Billie finds small symbols of the flaming horse head in his bag, with a note that says "A small way to say thank you, more to come."
The party returns to Reidoth's cottage where Lillian communes with nature and leaves a message in the memory of the nearby plants that they have purged the forest of the corrupting forces. Fresh new plant life spreads out slowly from the area, waiting for the ancient druid to return.
The party leaves the village meeting up with their orc scouts. They are excited to see their cheif and his companions. The horses are rested and well cared for and ready to head out. The wolves are also excited to see their human pack members.
The party makes great time, making it halfway to Phandalin, night falls and the party sets up camp. Leaving the wolves to stand guard, the party beds down for the night. The night passes without issue with Fluffy and Gruffy watching guard, and Snuffy, as ususal, making his way to cuddle, drool, and snot on Billie through the night.
As the daylight starts to dim, on the second days journey south the party finds themself at the crossroads to Phandalin. The party decides to tough it out, and push forward to their manor house.
The party reaches the city limits, with the orc scouts going around the town to return to the manor by the back way. Entering the village, the party sees orcs roaming the town
The Lady Linene made the orcs full members of of the town, functioing as a defacto mayor. The orcs explain that they have been well recieved by the townspeople, with the exception of the racist Smitty the Smithy, who they have been "guarding." This is resulting in a steep decline in business for the shop keeper.
They explain that the manor grounds were explored and an ore deposit was located. They have opened a small smithy that essentially gives away items made to the townfolks. They have been developing industry and agriculture all over the the manor grounds. These include a new small mill that has been producing flour for the village. They plan to start exploring rock cutting next, so they can work on building a city wall.
They explain that many improvements have happened in the week the party was gone including the deputy chief's aquisition of reading glasses and sudden gains in reading and writing common. They have a contract with Linene for exchanges of goods and services to maintain and expand the village and give items to each according to their need.
While the party is distracted, Demna snags a small amount of the ashes of Elwin to use in the commisioning of a 12 inch tentacle "toy" with a 6 inch tapering base. The item being a suprise gift for Billie, who may have shown a particular "excitement" for tentacles during their last fight.
The party returns to the manor, where they celebrate with a massive rager. Much apple brandy is consumed. Late into the night, Billie drunkenly suggests that the the town should celebrate their new peace with a series of crafting and athletic chalenges. Thus birthing the drunken idea for The Phandalin Games.
Upon waking, Billie is presented with completed plans and agreements for a fully fleshed out Phandalin Games, including prizes, judges, and a full week long menu of delicacies. The entire party is taken back by how seriously the tribe took Billie's suggestion, they decide to stay for the week long event.
The party plans to head to Cragmaw Castle once the festivities are completed. The party decides how they wish to spend the games.
Keras decides to spend the week working with the orc master woodworkers to develop his skill with the ancient axe Hew that he recovered in Thundertree. Including speed felling, carving, and more. He also serves as an officiant between events.
Billie decides to focus on the combat oriented challenges, hoping to win the battle royale at the end of the events. The events include axe tossing, pole throwing, and sparing challenges.
Demna decides to focus on magical support for the festivities with Sister Garaele building an ice skating rink and filling the skies with visual wonders night. Winning the favor of the Sister, and earning her some special nipples.
Dripp decides to run the food and drink competitions serving as judge and an entrant. No one seems intrigued by his questionable concoctions, but he does get tons of free booze.
Lillian decides to use her conjure animal abilities to run a petting zoo for the kids, and uses the heat metal skill with her fire elemental to create a metal relief of Elwin to be placed in the town center. The dedication of which would be celebrated during the festival.