"Elwin had a great butt, I think we can agree on that."
September 4th, 2021
When we last joined our adventurers, the week long festival called the Phandalin games had reached its end with a vicious battle royal moungst the city, orc tribe, and party. After a breif interuption by some quickly dispatched racists, the final trio of Keras, Exkikas, and Billie were the only folks left standing. In the end Exkikas the newcomer, was victorious. With Billie getting his own special "reward." The only activity left a dedication in a few hours.
Exkikas takes this opportunity to appeal to the party requesting to join their adventuring group. He understands that they need some time to consider his offer and leaves them to contemplate his offer.
The party decides to go play ring toss. Everyone, including a somewhat sober Dripp, win some gold. Billie however, in a feat of true luck, rings the center gold bottle. His prize is a large back of gems worth 1,000GP and two large nearly flawless diamonds.
Billie uses this opportunity to return the favor that the party invested in his armor many moons ago. Donating the full bag (san-diamonds) of gems to the party loot.
The party moved to grab snacks where Lillian finds some sweet potatoes seasoned with a truely spicy pepper that reminds her of her childhood. Keras tries them and is nearly overwhelmed by the spiciness. He plays this off, experiencing spiciness in ways that the "drylanders" wouldnt recognize. He convinces the rest of the party to try them. Dripp is unphased. Seeing their other 3 party members manage them without issue, Billie and Demna try them and immediately regret it. They are overwhelmed by the spice. Feeling like someone cast Fireball in their mouth they start gasping. Their mouthes begin to swell and the panic and run to a nearby beverage booth. Not paying attention, Demna lucks out and gets milk, which relieves the spice. Billie is however, extraordinarily unlucky. Choosing a pepper infused grain alcohol that quickly overwhelms his senses. He gets rapidly blackout drunk, starts vomitting, and snot streams out of his nose. Keras attempts a Healing Word spell, which has no effect. Billie loses consciousness, and the party quickly summons the orcs who bring a gourney and take him to be treated. Shotly later the townsfolks congregate in the town center for the dedication.
As the party approaches the improvised platform, Linene starts speaking. The explains how Elwin was someone who helped everyone in the town. While he may not have had any blood relations in town, he was family with the whole town. The master, who Elwin had served under, steps up to unveil a large sculpture of Elwin. The pose is incredibly life-like, it depicts him handing an instrument to a small child. Linene, opens the stage to anyone to comment. A very wasted Billie stumbles up. After several minutes of diatribe about spicy foods to avoid and his new special toy. He ends his comments reflecting on how lovely Elwin's behind was. At this point the orcs intervein, hauling him away.
Keras heads up to the stage and performs a once in a lifetime panflute tribute to Elwin. Not a dry eye in the crowd is left as they are all truely moved. A few townspeople speak of their memories. Dripp passes out libations in his memory. And the whole town quickly returns to their homes as the sun sets over the newly constructed ampithetre, with the statue of Elwin looking over it all. Billie continues his ravings, and Demna casts Sleep to put him out of his drunken misery. The party goes back to the manor (except Demna who goes to Delilah's cottage). Everyone gets a good nights sleep.
The next morning, everyone is awoken in a fashion similar to the previous morning, with the addition of splitting headaches for both Demna and Billie who are both suffering significant hang overs. An old orcish hangover cure is provided to Billie which quickly alleviates the bulk of his symptoms.
After everyone has awakened, they join each ther in the mess hall of the manor for a small breakfast. The party discuss their next steps and decide that they have put off their trip to Cragmaw castle for too long. Keras puts a message up by the door indicating that they are off to the castle.
Their orc guides Victor and Rictor guide them on their journey to the castle. They make excellent time, spotting the castle in the distance. Dripp summons his drake familiar, and speaks to him in draconic, tasking him with scouting the castle.
The drake returns and reports seeing the crumbling castle, seeing seven overlaping towers, but it is dilapidated. Only the ground floor looks traversable. He reports seeing no enemies around it, but did mention an owl bear about 2 miles away. The party spend the hour or so while they approach the castle discussing Exkikas's offer to join the party. Dripp and Keras speak strongly against trusting the theif. Their conversation is quite heated, which allows them to get very close to a bush before they notice a head poking out.
The head shushes the party, explaining that they need just a few moments of quiet as they are attempting to get into the castle. Lillian casts Entangling Vines quickly subduing the person. They explain that the party must be quiet. They explain, that they mean no harm. Keras speaks to them. They identify themself as Evelyn. Keras believes them and the spell on them is released. After a quick round of introductions, they quietly discuss their plans to enter the castle. Evelyn explains that they have spotted enemies inside. The party sets up an impromtu camp out of earshot of the castle getting to know each other.
The party uses this time to reflect on their experiences that have got them to this point. They prepare new spells and get ready to raid the castle.