"The Phandalin Games. Live. Fail. Repeat."
July 31st, 2021
When we last joined our adventurers, they had started the week long Phandalin Peace Games, a celebration of peace organized between the orcs and villagers of Phandallin. Today marks the start of day two, a celebration of art and music. Keras starts the day's festivities off with a song tribute to Elwin the fallen wood worker. This really kills the mood, so Keras manages to change things into a celebration of life that the towns folk enjoyed. Supered on by his success, Billie joins with his lyre and Demna joins with her bagpipes. The synergy is extatic, they turn the enjoyable vibe into a rocking on. Their music hits the crowd like a wave, undergarments fly at the performers and the now barely clothed crowd begins to get frisky. The orcs and town folks are truely now coming together. (Ba dum hiss). Demna finds a crystal nipple in a thrown undergarment, which she promptly eats turning her scales a crystaline onyx and hightening her senses.
The adventurers spend the rest of the day ice scating (courtesy of Demna's magic) and participating in various exhibitoions of art work. Demna does some ice sculptures and Keras tries his had at wood sculptures. Billie spends the the rest of the day with his orc comrades enjoying apple liquours and teaching sea shanties to the townsfolk. Dripp enjoys a second day of drunken escapades, and Lillian spends the day preparing for a massive magical experiment tomorrow.
At the end of the day, Demna is wisked away by Delilah for a night or brutal (but lovely) noctornal activites. The rest of the party head back to the manor for a night of rest.
Day 3 is dedicated to service, and the day of the unarmed combat trials of boxing and wrestling. Sister Garaele is planning a religous festival to the god of luck to bless the festival, and Lillian plans her massive plant growth ceremony.
Keras decides to compete in wrestling, Billie plans to compete in boxing, and Demna decides to be play cheerleader, as she got her combat in last night.
Keras and Billie both strip down to their skivvies to prepare for combat. Keras soaks himself in water to stimulate his natural lubrication. Keras lubes up Billie as well casting Blessing of the Forge to make him more hardy.
Keras's first round againt elf. Keras tries to put on a good performance, telling a joke to the elf opponent. The elven combatant is confused and stays focused on combat. Grabs a leg and knocks him to his back. Keras responds "Usually folks buy me dinner first, but okay, lets play. with a wink. Keras locks his legs around his head and reverse suplexes him to the ground. elf is stunned. Keras straddles and pins him by his legs. elf taps. crowd goes wild. keras flirts with him on the way out., blowing him a kiss.
Billie's first fight is against an orc. Orc starts off with a superman to Billie's jaw. Billie responds by speed bagging his ribs. Landing several solid blows manageing to lift him off the ground. Staggered, Billie uses the oppotunity to land a return hit to the orc's jaw. He was so successful, he knocks out his opponent out cold.
Keras is fighting Barthan from Barthan's Provision. He's stout and hairy. This is the physique of a labororer not a fighter. They exchange pleasantries. Keras attempts to trick barthaninto attacking. barthan distracts the crown with booze. keras evades his attack. lunges, grabs him by his chest hari and throws him over his hips onto the groud. Barthan dives for keras's legs. Keras tries to jump out but fails. Keras continues to taunt him. Barthan pile drives him. Keras rolls on the ground. gets muddy, tries to pin him with his forearm. Barthan evades and attempts to headlock him while Keras grapples. This fails. Keras lets go of him and manages to get him into a full nelson.
The truth, I kinda think you're a dickhead. Keras offers to take him to Altantis one day to meet the court of prince Sidon. Rings of waterbreathing. Promises to take him to Atlantis. Barthan is essentially an otaku who finally met a real triton and was disappointed when they werent like he imagined.
Billie's next round is against Sildar Hallwinter. Billie is not intimidated although is not horribly successful at first. with his hits not resonating. Sildar really rings his bell cracking him on the other side of the jaw from his earlier match. Billie returns fire with a shockingly hard blow to the ribs and jaw, sending him spiraling. Billie gets a strong strike in going for a liver shot. "Oh that's my drinking liver!" Billie action surges landing one of the two blows. The strong uppercut to the jaw lifts him five feet in the air. Landing him in his back. Delilah, serving as a referee, asks him if he's getting up. He does, and immediately charges at Billie, going low and aiming for the ribs. Landing only one solid shot of four and cracking a rib. Billie shrugs it off, and says "We can take a break if you need one old man." Billie goes for a shot to the solar plexis and and a cross shot. Repeating his successful manuevar from his first match he knocks out Sildar and wins him match. Delilah comes in and heals the combatants. Sildar is impressed, and they share a handshake. Sildar uses the opportunity to rile the crown up and get them to start betting on the last round. The betting odds are not in his favor though... as his last challenger enters the ring. Linene Graywind.
Keras's last match is against Deitrich, the second in command of the orc clan. Keras is very intimidated, he's quite muscular.keras attmepts to discourage him with Unsettling Words. keras attmpts to grapple his tusks. This fails. Keras is close lined, spins and lands on his stomach. Keras stay low and uses his legs to knock him to the ground. Deitric straddles him and tries to pin him. They struggle and while Keras puts up a good fight, he can't meet his physical prowess. Keras is eventually overwhelmed at taps. Keras and Deitrich are bounded by the experience congratulations are shared. Keras has earned his respect, and is called by his real name. Keras and Deitrich look on in amazement and slight frustration as the boxing match has pulled away the attention of their audience
Linene and Billie prepare for the finale fight.Linene promised not to kill billie, she needs him. Linene starts with two elbow strikes to his torso, each cracking a rib. Billie returns a powerful blow, managing to knock her back. She compensated quickly jumping backwards and avoiding his further blows. Billie uses the oppotunity to attempt another few strikes. His first hits, with a slight crack. The second dislocates her shoulder, which she quickly pops back in without wincing. She strikes Billie with a powerful upper cut striking billie in the stomach. Billie falls to the ground vommitting.
Wiping the bile from his chin, Billie rises and goes to his standard move. One shot to the torso, landing the hit and knocking her back. Billie uses the opportunity for a Jaw strike, which misses. Billie attempts to land another hit. Linene avoids it. Stiking him hard in the face with one strike, breaking his nose. The second strike hits him hard in the jaw, but Billie just manages to wave it off, spitting out a tooth. Linene is suprised that Billie was able to take that strike still standing.
Billie uses this moment of shock to land a solid torso blow, knocking the wind out of Linene. With victory in his eyes, Billie lunges in to finish her off... but slips in his own blood, falling to the ground. Linene reaches down, picks him up one handed and knocks his lights out with a single targetted blow. Linene's eyes turn gold, and she passes healing enrgy into Billie. Linene is the victor, and is pleasantly suprised by his efforts. Linene thanks him for the good fight and offers to replace the missing tooth. Billie notices the symbol of a golden flame tatooed on her chest. Linene explains that his is the symbol of her goddess. A goddess of war. She explains that she and her daughter are not even fighters. They are clerics. Sildar Hallwinter cries out in saddness. He had bet all of his drinking money on Billie.
The party migrates over to Sister Garaele's blessing ritual to get the blessing of Fortuna the goddess of luck. Keras stays with the sister to aid in the efforts.
Lillian goes to the area prepared for the plant grown ritual and dedicates her energies to for the rest of the day to the work of magic.
Billie checks in with Deitrich about how his matches went, interupting his conversation with Barthan. Deitrich shares a recap of his battles but explains that he's a little salty about the lack of applause. Billie suggests that Dietrich could open a combat school of some sort. Deitrich explains that he might bring it up with the city council.
Inside there is the constellation of ifara. Constelation reaches down and touches the town hall. Ifaras golden blue glow surrounds it and the town. Goddess made of stars. All of the warn brick and stone becomes whole and smooth. fallen walls reform. Ifara shrinks until 10 feet tall, tils Keras's head up. My child, you know our mother can't leave the sea. This place is blessed by Polis. Designating it as a state in its own right. And gives the entire time.Shrine of luck begins to crumble. And reforms it with her power into the constelation with her jug of water infinitely pouring out water. She then disapeasrs as a constellation in the sky. Day light resumes.
The rest of the party plays games. Each winning some gold. At the end of the day, all hear a rumbling beneath their feet. Sapling is still small. Lillitan watches as the tree shoots up into a massive full blown oak. The roots do not break the surface. the newly fortified cobble stone pathways prevent them from breaking the surface. water channels are in the new cobblestones, they will direct water to the tree. All of the plants around town are thriving and in full blossom. Edermath orchard remains its usual enchanged self. Lillian uses Speak With Plants to speak with the oak. "spread your bounty throughout the land, encourage the plants of this land to grown uninhibitted. This place is safe." "Yes mother we will grow. Do not forget us, we need to see you every year." it responds. the tree's branches reach down and embrace Lillian. The experience is unlike anything she's ever felt. The stream of magical life she is overwhelmed. The ceremony is over. The land is blessed for one year. Lillian comes aweay feeling refreshed and grounded.
Demna enjoys some combative fun with Delialah. Demna's dreams are filled with the same extacy as her earlier night involves.
On the way back to the manor as things wind down, Delilah grabs Deman and runs off into the woods. As Lillian walks towards the manor she notices tiny blue mushroons growing. She identifies these as having magical and "recreational" qualities, and collects some.
That night as everyone sleeps they are visited by wonderful dreams of fufillment. Billie has dreams of taking to the sea with the adventurers and his orc clan aboard his own boat. His mother cracks a bottle to crisen it. His step father wishes him luck. Lillian deams of exploring the wildest of forests with her fire spirit companion. She feels powerful and saturated with earth energy. Keras in his dreams, he is on stage, giving the performance of a lifetime. Around him he sees himself manning many insruments at the same time. Deitrich is playing drums and so excited. Barthan is in the crowd reluctantly approving. He see Prince Sidon who expresses his pride, and explains that Atlantis is proud of him and he is Thasa's campion. He offers any boon he can grant.
Everyone is awakon with foods they love. Including a water proof seaweed burrito dropped in the pool and a note in Atlantian waking up his friend by Dietrick, Breakfast in bed for the cheiftan. The others find breakfast in the mess hall.
They head out to the town seeing it thriving with plant life, the buildings standing in full glory and looking new made. The roads seem to grown out of the ground.
Meet at edermath orchard for the myster event. Daren Edermath explains, that this is hte largest game played. Players need only raise their hand to opt out. Many agree to participate even without details. In the middle of the crowd, serval folks spot a hooded figure concealed in shadow who also raises his hand. Daren gives 30 seconds for folks to enter a marked circle on the ground. All of the adventurers and mny towns folks enter the circle.
Visible to the party, and noone else the spirits of Edermath orchard are visable. The spirits sink into the groud and from it sprouts a massive hedged labyrinth. People scatter in all directions. The goal is simple escape the labyrith. Dripp is far too drunk for this and immediately gives up, raising his hand and being magically evacuated.
Lillian thinks to summon a magical eagle to get a view from above. The spell fails, the spirits are suppressing the magical flows that she relies on. Demna seeks a magical nipple snack to aid her cognitive abilities. Each player heads off in a different direction. Demna realizes her path to the south has not branched yet, but it curves. Lillian runs into a hedge and finds herself suddenly walled in despite multiple attempts she's unable to escape. Billie runs forward and finds 3 paths, he takes the left path and sees the central path end, and at the end he sees a hole just small enough to see through, from there he sees a glimpse of an exit, and it then closes off. Keras encounters a fork and heads right. Along the path he finds a grove, in the center he sees a pedasle full of water, one of flames, and one that crackles with electricity. As he approaches the path behind him closes. A plaque says, chose the path you wish. Keras picks water and find himself suddenly falling into water. He is floating in a deep pool of water in a cavern. The cave parts left or right. He goes right. The path closes behind him. Billie frustrated by the tease of the path he had followed, he feels his path elevation increasing. He speeds up suddenly finding himself falling off a cliff. He gets an overview of the labyrinth. seeing a glimpse of the exits. He lands on top of a hedge with a clear straight run to the exit. He is however knocked prone and winded by the fall. Demna runs into Delilah in the labyrinth, getting distracted with "extra curriculars" essentially leaving the competition. Keras find himself pushed by a large force of water. Seeing the exit ahead. He's a swimmer not a flyer and finds himself tumpling face first into the top of a hedge. He recovers quickly and sprints for the exit just in sight, passing billie along the way. Its a mad sprint between Lillian, Keras, and Billie to the exits. Keras reaches the finish first. Noticing the hooded figure from before already at the exit. After hours in the maze it's clear he way out performed anyone else. Billie follows shortly behind. 30 minutes later Lillian escapes. With another 30 minutes passing until Demana and Delilah are magically evacuated.
They find themself all pondering at the seated hooded figure sipping apple brandy with plenty of questions. (For another time.)