Murder All You Want, Just Don't Damage The History.
October 23rd, 2021
When we last joined our adventurers, they had just finished rescuing Gundren Rockseeker and in an epic clash of fur and feathers defeated the owlbear, killed King Growl, and severly damaged the already ruined ruins of Cragmaw Castle.
Looting the room they find the following in the bed roll of King Growl:
220 SP 160EP
3 Potions of Healing
Gundrens Map to Wave Echo Cave
As they continue to search Gundren runs into the room followed by a deep rumbling shouting:
"The whole castle is coming crashing down!"
Evelyn interjected that as a ruins experts there is nowhere safe left in the castle to stay. With both entrances they knew about now blocked with rubble the enter the last section near the main entrance they had avoided earlier. Rushing off in the only escape direction available to them they run towards the exit. As they run out they notice the now triggered and useless trap that had laid in wait for them, easily avoiding it.
Keras decides to ask Gundren about the map. Gundren explains that his brothers are likely still in the cave and in need of rescue. Keras pushes a hard bargain that the adventuring party should be fairly compensated for the risk they'll be taking on. Together they decide that their scouting orc duo of Victor and Richtor will split up with one taking Gendren back to Phandalin and the other guiding the party to Wave Echo Cave.
The party sets up camp and grabs a well deserved night's rest, taking time to explain to Gundren the developments in the city and the party's exploits so far. In the morning the party discusses what to do with the ruins of Cragmaw Castle. What Keras and Dripp are interested in the commerce of the doubtless invaluable artifacts to be recovered. Evelyn is destraught at the idea of the precious cultural heritage of the area being sold off. After some strenuous moral and ethical gymnastics, a compromised is reached.
The orc tribe of Phandalin will be recruited to excavate and collect the resources from the destroyed castle, with the end goal being the establishing of a museum in the rapidly developing city. Evelyn will be the new Phandalin Historical Society (and Pawn Shop) lead cultural expert and will occassionally allow for the selective sale of artifacts to culturally appropriate collectors. With the fund benefiting the further development of the museam with a small commission continuing to flow to the party.
With that decided, Gundren and Victor head off to Phandalin, and the rest of the party head to Wave Echo Cave. After the majority of a day's ride, the party arrives at Wave Echo Cave. The main entrance is extremely well hidden by a large stump which proves easy enough to get around once you know where to look. The party enters the cave, with a massive chamber greeting them that noone can see the back of its so deep.
The party sees several bedrolls and supplies, as well as the corse of a deceased dwarven miner. On inspection, the party determines the dwarf died from the bite of the same spiders as the party encountered in the ruins of Thundertree. Knowing what they might be encoutering they prepare for eventual combat.
As the party prepares they notice the sound of crashing waves every two minutes. This excites Keras who has been land locked for quite a while. The party makes its way around the perimeter to a deep ravine which splits off into deep hallways. There is a rope hanging down into the ravine. If vary levels of success the full party makes its way down into the ravine. With a few bruises and dings aquired along the way.
The party enters the tunnel to the north finding well formed but empty network of well excavated tunnels. As they go further, the crashing wave sound grows louder. This appears to be an area excavated in the distant past. After some discussion, the party decides to head north. As they head north they find lake.
Excited, Keras dives in and soaks in the briney water. Deep down, he discovers the skeleton of a long dead wizard riddled with arrows. He brings the skeleton to the surface where he discovers a magic wand. He sets up a ritual to identify the object, but before he is able to finish the party is interupted by a sucking sound. All around the party, three Ocre Jellies.
Two of the jellies surround Keras doing significant bludgening and acid damage to him where he is knocked prone. Demna attempts to push them back with Chromatic Orb, but the jellies prove strangely resistant to their acidic damage. Dripp summons his Drake Companion to join the battle who immediately chomps down on the closest jelly.
Keras decides to take a somewhat desperate action, casting Shatter on himself and the two jellies. Dealing significant sonic damage to himself and the jellies. He uses the opportunity to escape to the safety of the water where he suspects the fluid creatures might disipate if they were to follow him.
At the rear of the party, Billie responds with pure instinct and goes absolutely beserk with a flurry of very powerful quarterstaff blows, obliterating all traces of the large amorphous creature.
Evelyn joins the fray lashing out with their Eldritch Blast, leaving smoking holes in a jelly leaving it near death. The injured jelly lashes out at the closest creature, who happens to be Demna, inflicting serious damage. Evelyn uses the opportunity to use Healing Light on Keras bringing him back from his seriously damaged state.
Demna is not pleased, seeing her original attack failing to do significant damage and then getting damaged herself she lashes out with a Ray of Frost. The ice attack causes a chunk of the jelly to freeze and fall off, disipating harmlessly into the water. Not relenting, Demna then uses Inflict Wounds, ending the creature's existance and leaving a tar like substance. The final severely wounded jelly is quickly dispatched by Dripp who uses a flaming arrow to deliver the final blow. The party emerges battered but victorious. They take a short rest to address their wounds and recover, with Keras finishing the ritual and identifying the wand as a Wand of Magic Missile.
Lillian casts Pass Without A Trace on the party and they head further north into the cave. Keras approaches a closed door and listens at it. Hearing nothing he cracks the door, spotting five bugbears. Keras quickly reseals the door, unnoticed and goes the other direcction. The part reaches another crossroads seeing two more bugbears and the doppleganger drow from before. The party chooses to remain stealthed and go the other direction. Reaching the end of the path, the party encounters a set of ornate dwarven carved doors.
Keras listens at the doors and hears nothing, he cracks open the door seeing a dark elf wizard with two bug bears. Recognizing that this is likely the black spider they've been after Keras uses his line of sight to cast shatter on the three enemies.