A Clash of Fur and Feathers
September 25th, 2021
When we last joined our adventurers, the had stormed the ruins of Cragmaw Castle and committed horrific crimes against goblin and hobgoblin kind. With an enraged owlbear on one side and a sea of slaughtered goblinoids on the other, the party broke in to chamber of the King Grol. Saving Gundren and battling the wisened bugbear leader and his drow companion.
The battle continues, Dripp no longer has patence with the drow inside the chamber. Casting Hunter's Mark he lashes out with his sword biting deeply into his side. Evelyn follows up casting Eldrich Blast at the drow cauterizing the wound made by Dripp.
Lillian stands drenched in blood, have finally given in to her agressive instincts she smirks as brown fur errupts from her body as she transforms into a vicious huge brown bear casting Wild Shape. She runs into the chamber with the bugbear protecting Gundren.
Keras joins the fray, using Unsettling Words followed by Dissonant Whispers on the Drow. A look of terror sweeps across its face as the powerful psycic attack fills him with terror. As the Drow attempts to retreat further into the room, Keras, Billie, and Dripp all last out with attacks of opportunity. Keras's axe cuts deep, allowing his bowels to spill forth from his gut. Billie cracks him strong with his half staff, and Dripp snags him with his sword.
By all accounts the drow should be dead, but they all look on in terror as his wounds knit shut. Still pained his clothes then knit shut as well. the party is confused, but Keras pursues him across the room.
The crowned bugbear seeing his pet killed and his drow companion greviously wounded, stands frothing at the mounth. He grabs his morning star and smashes it into Dripp, knocking him prone.
"Do bugbears shit themslves when they die? Depends!"
Billie shouts as he attempts to wound the wisened bugbear, but he misses... clearly too amused by his puns to strike his opponent. Billie misses three of his four strikes. His last strike hitting his knee doing a small amount of damage.
The drow, now backed into a corner, lashes out twice at Keras, but does not break his armor. As Keras goes to block a third strike, the drow simply disappears.
Undetered, Demna lashes out with 3 casting of Chromatic Orb, striking the bugbear but dealing suprisingly little damage. Dripp, seeing his chance, gets up clearly having pissed himself, and unleashes an ungodly strong strike with his now slightly yellow and wets sword smashing through the bugbears shield and lopping off one of his arms. The stump seeimgly reacting chemically to the fluid.
Evelyn goes further into the room, crouching and casting Eldrich Blast at the bug bear and using the moment of distraction to heal Dripp, who is looking rather haggered. In that moment, the sound of snapping metal and shatter wood rings out. The owlbear has escaped.
Realizing that he must finish this battle quickly, Keras casts, Guiding Bolt at the bugbear dealing massive damage and leaving him glowing. Surrounded, the bugbear sweeps his morning star in an arc hitting all of the party around him dealing significant damage to all. He sticks his arm stump into the brazier nearby cauterizing the wound.
Billie sees his opportunity, the bugbear is glowing with faint holy power and flanked on three sides, without a shield, and missing an arm. Billie unleashes a truely astounding array of strikes on the bugbear, finally dispatching their hardy foe with a cue de graw to the head.
With their foe handled, Demna turns to the hall, casting Fireball in the direction of the owlbear, immolating the last restrained hobgoblin, and striking the room the owlbear was in, collapsing a wall onto the owlbear. It quickly frees itself running to the door of the chamber they are all in. Dripp closed the door and attempts to secure an exit path through a collapsed cabinet in a corner.
Evelyn stands just on the other side of the door, they cast Necrotic Shroud, preparing to combat the feathered beast. They also heal Demna. Keras directs Gundren to follow Dripp out of the room, grabbing his bident and fololwing him into the closet. The rest of the party prepares to meet the owlbear head on.
The owlbear burst through the door, shattering part of the wall and knocking Evelyn back. they release their shroud, as a grey miasma and spectral wings appear on them. The mist lashes out at the owlbear, but it is undetered. It lashes out with its paws at Evelyn. Leaving them with bloody gashes on their body. Billie panics and looses a javelin at it, but its defected inefectually.
With the danger of the Necrotic Shoud passed, Dripp reenters the room and strikes the owlbear twice with his bow. The strikes land. Evelyn, still prone, unleashes Eldrich Blast at the owlbear, striking it in the face. Evelyn uses this opportunity to get the their feet.
Lillian, sill in bear form strikes out at the owlbear dealing serious damage. With Evelyn in serious danger, Keras enters the fray casting Unsettling Words followed by Dissonant Whispers on the owlbear. The psycic damage terrifies the beast causing it to flee and opening it to attacks of opportunity by the party. Lillian again rakes the beast with her claws.
Billie rushes to Keras's side, striking the owlbear with his halfstaff while screaming out a garbled war cry. His strikes crush some of the hardened feathers, clearly putting on the hurt. Demna follows up with Chromatic Orb, splashing the huge creature with acid and melting some of its feathers.
The owlbear on its last legs, lashes out in a frenzy, striking ineffectually at Keras. Frustrated, it uses its beak against Billie puncturing his sheild arm and rendering the appendage inoperable. With its jaws still on Billie's arm, Dripp fires nother volley of arrows at the owlbear. The arrows fire nearly at the same time, sinking into eyes and puncturing its grey matter. The owlbear is dead.