Invited Guests. Uninvited Murder.
November 6th, 2021
When we last joined our adventurers, they had barely survived an ambush by orce jellies after finally entering Wave Echo Cave. After cutting straight north very carefully, the explore some closed doors. Behind the door Keras spots a drow that is almost unmistakably the black spider. The party enters combat with Keras casting Shatter on the trio. They seem unphased, and instead shout out for the party to come in and chat.
When they reopen the door they see Nundren rockseeker being held by the spider with a glowing staff to his throat. A few wispers between the prty and a plan is hatched. Keras walks in and distracts the spider who makes empty threats and admits to killing the first rockseeker brother.
Seeing his moment of attack. Keras casts a wall of water, encirling the Black spider and the two bug bears. Demna runs in behind casting twin Ray of Frost spells attempting to freeze them into the wall. the Black Spider manages to escape the frost attack without being frozen into the wall but drops nundren. One bugbear takes extreme damage.
At that moment 4 giant spiders drop from the ceiling, one lands on Demna, and attempts to poison her. The other 3 spiders gang up on Keras. Two bite attacks miss there mark but a 3rd one manages to entagle him in its webs.
Demna, very upset that she's been pinned down casts a truely powerful Chromatic Orb burrowing an acidic whole through the giant spider over top of her and killing it. She escapes its weight, and attempts to hit another spider but misses the mark. The Black Spider casts Darkness over himself and his surroundings. The spiders attempt to attack again. One attempts to hit Demna and fails. The other two bite attack the restrained Keras, both dealing bite and poison damage to the triton.
Evie enters combat next, firing two Eldrich blasts at a giant spider. They connect dealing miasmic magical damage to the giant spider. Lillian gets behind the party and guards they escape route.
Dripp and his summoned drake take use the freed up perspective to pepper the giant spider blocking the spider with arrows embued with the drakes's thunder magic. Taking it down.
Keras hulks out and busts out of the webs and screams in rage, casting Healing Word on himself. Then in a suprise to almost everyone, Nundren rund past all of the emenies, comfortably behind Keras and then stabs at Keras, missing, but revealing himself as a doppleganger, and transforming into the shape of a drow.
Seeing his fishy friend betrayed, Billie rushes in, casts hunters mark, and pummels the shape changing drow with his staff, knocking him out of range from Keras. This allowing Keras the chance to slash his amorphous body with his axe. Billie follows up with another set of strikes from his staff. Hungry for vengence on this foul creature that had already escaped the party before, he unleashes a truly astonishing bout of damage on the shape changer. Covered in cracks, barely holding onto his form, Demna reaches out casting Inflict Wounds on it. The drow appearance falls away, revealing its true form, an amorphous humanoid.
The Black Spider, begins chanting from the darkness. Magic Missiles launch from the darkness hitting Keras and Demna. From the darkness the sound of running follows as the Spider retreats into a hallway with his bugbear companion following him into the obscured pathway.
The lone remaining bug bears attempts to join the fray but is easily rebuffed by billie. Evie uses the moment to hit another spider with an eldrich blast, dealing minor damage and Dripps summoned drake joins the attack dealing elemental damage to the same spider.
Dripp uses his magical sword Talon and finally dispatches the doppleganger, Dripp runs forward and slashes at the remaining bugbear, dealing minor damage.
The two remaining spiders attempt to bite Keras and Dripp. Keras deflects the attack and the spider that bites Dripp is suprised to realize that its attempt to poison Dripp has instead gotten itself slightly tipsy. As the darkness spell starts to fade slightly the hallway becomes visable, revealing three bugbears and the black spider. Keras uses this chance to cast shatter on the four in the hallway. With just that attack all three bugbears are knoked out, but the black spider is unphased.
"Do you know why bugbears wear diapers, number 1 and number 2." Billie shouts (to the groans of his party) and attacks the remaining bugbear. It is quickly dispatched. Billie moves on to one of the 2 remaining spiders and breaks all of its legs in a sweaping motion and kills it. Finally, Billie moves towards the black spider and uses Hunter's Mark to track the creatdrow spell caster.
Demna, angry about the damage she has taken casts two powerful chromatic orbs one finally seeming to damage the black spider and the other dispatching the last giant spider.
Seeing his allies no longer are able to help him. the black spider casts invisability on himself and tries to run away. Lillian interviegns to try and stop his flight, summoning her fire elemental, the invisability spell ends with the black spider is taken by an arrow to the calf
Augmentation bead, very rare has escaped to another plane,
Keras investigates and finds:
Sack on the table, anvil shaped key
potion of healing
190 EP 130 GP 15PP
9 Small gemstones (10GP each)
Dwarven Electrum Mug (100GP)
Demna focuses on the emerald eyes of the dwarven statue. Climbing the statue and prying the eyes out much to Elvie's shagrin. As soon as the gems are dislodged, the columns in the room crack as the ceiling falls.
Demna, Billie, Elvie, and Dripp are trapped under the falling roof. Dripp escapes with minor damage but the others are beaten by the falling rocks to nearly to the edge of death. Lillian's immediate use of Healing Word saves her allies. Demna escapes the two emerald eyes, still radiating a magical energy.
Keras uses the key he found to unlock the door, inside they find the passed out Nundren. Keras heals him, with a Healing Word. The party comes in and catches up with him. After much reminising, the party enters the room. Locks the door behind them for a long rest,. They bust out the dwarven fire whiskey they've been toating around for months and relax.
Elvie casts Tiny Hut and the party gets a safe long rest.