
"Red Brand. Its what's for dinner."

February 6th, 2021

When we last joined our adventurers, they had made it to the town of Phandalin and delivered their cargo to Barthen's Provisions. They spent the rest of the day shopping and information gathering from the town residences. They discovered the town was inundated with brigands calling themselves the Red Brands. Before heading to bed, a note was pushed under their door with

Waking in the morning the party prepares for the day. Lilian prepares her spells and Keras performs his daily prayers. They head down to the tavern and meet Toblin. Grabbing an assortment of pastries, the party fills their bellies before heading out for the day. The pastries, unusually made by Toblin himself are exceptionally good. Investigating Dripp discerns notes of star anise and black peppercorn. Toblin is sort of a mad scientist in the kitchen. The rolls are given gratis as a thank you for the exceptional performance last. Meanwhile up in the rooms, Lilian casts Speak with Animals and explains to the wolves that they should be back with food for them soon.

As the party goes to leave, they notice there are a few people who are noticeably absent, Sildar and Rowan are gone. They hadn't notices as Rowan was so quiet to begin with.

The head to the Lionshield Coster. Guard dude is still in the corner. Keras walks up to the dais, redeem the the voucher. Head to the back room. Cranks open the chest and hands the party another 50GP. "Since you are serious about helping the town. The redbrands are running the business dry. There are many that stay in the sleeping giant, but their operations are under the trisendor maner. Their leader is named "Glass Staff". Townmaster's hall may have more information. Hate Harbin Wester, she hates the townmaster. Townmaster lets the red brands run all over him. Linene is 6'4" built like an amazonian and wears healed boots.

Linene Graywind

"Be careful of who you trust. No one's motives can be completely trusted."

Halia the leader of the miners is terrifying which is why the red brands leave her alone. The miners could be a real challenge to the Red Brands in a fight.

Linene pushes them out, might get suspicious. As they leave they see several red brands . "Time for you to move on strangers.

One followed us out. Keras tries to intimidate. Laughed at. "The fish can talk."

Demna attempts an intimidate. "Touch one gill on his neck and I'll show you what you're entails look like. "The scales on her would sell pretty well too."

Billie, mutters in an insane ramble about dismembering horses while pole valuting around on his quarterstaff. The redbrands go quiet and appear concerned. They don't leave but they seem slightly more concerned.

Lillian moon, insane laughter "The last person who talked to us like that had a flaming horse head thrown at them."

TOne of the red brands spooked by the incongruos group's attemtps to threaten them attacks the party prematurely. The party is thrown into combat against the 4 ambushers and the one red brand from the lionshield coster.

Two both attack Keras, both miss. Keras dodges one and deflects another attack with his shield. Billie shouts "You were warned." and attacks the stunned brigand., landing a solid blow to his head, still standing but very shaken. Billie does a follow up attack swinging the quarter staff up, cracking him under his jaw. And he falls to the ground. Billie stares with a crazed glimer in his eyes at the remaining Red Brands. Demna enters the fray next, still angry at the comments about selling her scales. She casts Shocking Grasp at the brigand before her, but he dodges her clawed grasp.

Filled with rage, Keras's devine powers fail and his attemp to cast Guiding Bolt fails. Dripp moves in screaming and connects his schimitars with his sholder. Blocks off hand swing. Redbrand attacks Lilian, avoids first attack, stabbed in abdomen. Lilian uses burning hands at the one who attacks him. A cone of fire engulfs him and he lets out a pained scream. "Looks like you'll be the horse head this time."

Red brands slices keras, distracted by the flaming dude. dealing some damage. His second attack is easily deflected. One attacks Billie, Billie easily counters it with another crack to his head. Bonus attack cracks him in the ribs. Breathing hard but still in the fight.

Demna casts a fiery Chromatic Orb and a red brand. He sees the light from the corner of his eyes, pisses him self and dodges the spell by only a few inches.

I may be a fish, but soon you will be the bait. Dissonant Whispers on the on fire guy and heals himself with a Healing Word spell. Dripp is attacked again but he deflects it yet again. Dripp uses a counter strike and cleaves down into his collar bone. With the schimitar still embedded, he swings in with his other hand. Killing him and gouging a deep X into his flesh.

Still burning, frightened, the one dies. Demna, casts Thorn Whip but misses. One starts to run away Keras bonks him with his conch mace. Dripp also gets in a slash. The red brand engaged with Billie stabs Billie straight through. Taking him to the border of death, but he's still standing. Bille attempts to hit but misses, his second strike does hit though killing him and last one tries to run away. Mind Sliver from Demna. fails. He stumbles.

Keras Guiding Bolt - Hadoken's the running one away. The spell disintegrates his body, but leaves his items.

Ring of townsfolks now around the party. Some running off. Linene opens the door, seeing the carnage. The ruffians have been taken care of, you have seen nothing. Ushers us back in. Opens a hidden door in a second back room behind a secret door. Thanks them for their service to the town. Locks them in but thanks them. Killed all the ruffians at the sleeping giant in. They were drunk..

The party gets a long rest. Dripp unharmed and not tired begins fashioning a leather bow holder. The rest sleep. Billie before passing out asks for the wolves to be fed. Linene agrees to take care of it.

At the end of 8 hours, Linene gets them out, the store is closed and they can safely leave. The Red Brand threat. talk to alderleaf child knows a secret way into the manner. Talk to Thalia is we want to recruit the miners. Sildar is at the townmaster's hall. 4 salvagable leather armor and 5 short swords. These were recovered and the party recovered collectively she offers 145GP. Keras talks her up to 180GP.

Questioned she reveals that Iarno went into the manor and never came back. From lord's alliance. Same group as Sildar. Halia Thorton might be a good recruit. The red brands are now looking for us.

The party decides to head to the inn to get food. Linene recommends we speak with the Town master. He is a coward. Told the town they wouldnt be a probelm. Linene offers us food. Brings a basket of rations. They eat then go to Townmaster's hall.

"Reward for orcs on door." As they enter the town master is seen. fat bloviating, fake gold jewlry. peacocking with Sildar. Arguing loudly about the red brands. They're just a mercanary guild. Empty jail cells in the back. Everything form over function. Demna wants to punch him.

"lets use our words before we use our fists." Keras says. You people were to blame. Mercendary guild. Sildar, are you kidding me? Sildar comes to the adventureers aid. calls him out on his bullshit. Why are you still here. Keras intimidates.

The town, it has some troubles. They offered to help. The orc issues. Phandalin doesnt have standing military. They have no ability to deal with them. I don't have the resources. What happened to iarno. Came here 3 months agao. went to the manor and never returned. Townmaster has no idea where he want or what to do.

Breaks down in tears. Sildar looks at him on the floor. "Town might need a new town master." ORc trouble. Sildar wants to recover Iarno or his remains from the manor. Handles the red brands. 100GP for taking acer of the orcs 200GP from Sildar for recoving Iarno.

Billie requests aid. Sildar takes out a magic scroll and handles Billie's quarter staff. The wrting from the scroll sinks into the staff and the scroll disolves. This makes the staff able to cast a bright light for 10ft and a dim light for 10 additional feet.

RUMOR: A name, the leader of the red brands is code named "Glass Staff" noone knows anything about him. Apparently the boss of the brigands. Lilian takes the keys to the jail, Sildar puts him in the jail cell and, make a mold. give to sildar. We take the originals. Extra 200 for bringing Iarno back alive.

Head to Phandalin Miner's exchange. Woodworking shop. Door is open, boot print on the door. Diverted the party goes to check on him. Shop is is disarray. Tools and wooden items litter the floor. In the center a pile of charred wood. On closer inspection, bits of ivory metal, etc. Similar to pan flutes. The instruments have been desroyed. Look for clues. Find nothing. Footprints everywhere but too confusd to be helpful.

Keras find a child's toy, wooden duck with wheels. He takes it. They return to the miner's exchange. Door is locked. Single light onin the exhange. Knock on the Hear a loud meow from above. Cat above, tries to feed. swats at him. Tackles him. Argues with him. Grapples him. explains. takes you into the miners exchange.

Sits you down at a table. Not what was expected. Almost like an inn, gives us some drinks. Agrees. 100GP to kill the red brand leader. Take any correspondence. Agreed to guard the town.

26 performance roll. Playing beautiful music. The parents. Child walks over eyes glazed over. Child starts swaying to the song. Carp, what are you doing. The dad is a halfling. Mom is human. Keras wakes him up with another song. Arm in front of the song. Playing in the woods. Secret tunnel in the thickets. They didnt see him but the tunnel. Scribble out a crude map showing where the tunnel is. Fucking thrilled grabs the toy and runs back into house. Wife thanks him. Offers the party information, familiar with Wave Echo Cave. Knows that her friends redolf, druid and knows every inch of teh land. recently headed off to the ruins of the vilage of thunder tree. 40 miles north west of phandalin. He would know where to locate things in the area.

Anyone who would hurt the wood workers. Elwin was defiant to the red brands. Teaching carp how to play the lute. Head inside.

Party heads off in the woods. Head to the secret entrance. Uneventful, woods are calm and free of obvious dangers. 20 yeards from the entrance. Start seeing tracks. Seen some use but not much. Lilian casts Pass Without A Trace on the party. Party stealthily moves in. Dripp leads them into the tunnel with his superior dark vision.

Coldness eminates from a dep crevace below. Easily climbable walls but it would hurt to fall in. Cold breeze fills the cavern. Faint smell of decaying flesh. wooden bridges. dimmly lit by oild lamps.

Haunting voicei n the party's mind. Tells them to go away unless they have an offering. Keras gives food. with Lilina. Decaying arm grabs it. Crunching. Then hear. Fresh meat.

It demands frsh meat. Persuaded it to wait for fresh meat. Agrees. Nothic. Subteranean monster hungers for flesh. They will pay for not feeding me. They were supposed feed him. Now he'll eat them. People and goblins one way. Secret doorway. two doors one to the left to the leader, one to the right to a prisoner.

In our minds we here. Bring me food and my treasure is yours. hehehehehehe.

Head to strange storage room. Empty crates and packing materials. Lion shield coster logo on them. Stolen supplies. Keras steals a logo off a crate. Looking through they find.

  • 30 Beaver Pelts (2GP Each)

Keras believes the doors were a lie and is unable to find them. But Demna find them right away. They go through the door to the leader. Another secret door. Its obvious from behind. Keras listens and hears nothing. Cracks the door and peaks in. Inside he sees, someone sitting at a writing desk, glass staff. Seeing the enemy. Keras casts Guiding Bolt and fires at the wizard dealing massive damage. Shreaks in pain. Grabs his staff and the enegy pools into his staff.

Keras rushes in. He believes he is attacking alone. Billie runs in, attacks and misses. Casts shield. Turns to keras and second attack from Billie hits in a crack in the shield makes him nervous.

Keras casts sleep. Whispers. Come out as a breath of mist. Spark of recognition as he realizes there is nothing her can do. His attention os split too many ways. he crumples to the floor. drops the staff. "I'll take that." Keras takes the staff. Billie puts on his manacles. Keras gags him.

Two red brands attack from the rear. Lilian is stabbed in the thigh. Lilian casts burning hands. immolating both as they scream out in extreme pain.

Black eye. Straining. Are. Spit on him.

Three more red brands approach.

"If you'd like to be barbequed keep running at me."

Keras knocks out the wizard. Pinned in staircase. Lillian casts another cone of fire. "Get Toasted" she yells. Singing all three. Lilian flees into the room, Billie runs down to try and hit with his quarterstaff, but finds the close quarters problematic, failing to connect. Demna rushes in to assist, with a blast of her acid breath. Two are coverd in acid. Screaming.

Nothic interupts telepathically giggles "Sounds like fun."

Billie gets stabbed through the sholder. The redbrand ahead succumbs to the acid and collapses.

Dripp was going around the back, encounters a red brand trying to ambush. Word of radiance. Blue wave of damage reminisent of ocean strikes. him

Lillian casts produce flame and is preparing to throw it next turn. Billie pops the red brands testicles and he dies of pain. swings up and breaks his finger (proteting his junk). Demna casts a Mind Sliver. Barely hanging on to life his brain hemorages nblood leaking out of his ears. In the other halway Dripp shaves off a chunk of the dudes thigh. Keras uses vicious mockery deals a little damage. Lilian throws her created flame, and misses.

Billie sneaks up to the last one. The final remaining one surenders, begging for his life.

2 sets of leather armor

4 short swords

staff of defense

all of his writings from the desk (was writing a letter)

Wooden chest

  • 180SP

  • 130GP

  • 5 Carnelions (10GP)

  • 10

  • 1 Pearls

  • Scroll of Charm Person

  • sturdy, unlocked wooden chest holding the best pickings of the Redbrands’ loot over the last two months. It contains 180 sp, 130 gp, and a silk pouch containing five carnelians (10 gp each), two peridots (15 gp each), and one pearl (100 gp).

  • a scroll of charm person and a scroll of fireball.

The gather in Glass Staff's quarters. Take a short rest.