
Witty Title Here

June 11, 2022

When we last joined our adventurers, they had joined the Phandalin Adventurer's Guild having successfully passed a series of challenges of their skills, the night ending in a ruckus night of drinking and brawling. Upon awakening (with a hell of a hangover) the party quickly notices small slips of paper in their pockets from Evie. The message reads:

Where are you?! Are you ok?? Please Respond!

[indecipherable] ...weird lights everywhere... [indecipherable] ...in a mine.

Hey I am worried about you guys, I'm seeing some really strange things here. I don't know if you guys are even still alive, I just need to get my thoughts out and you seem like the type to appreciate the academics of it. The armor looks to be an old design with some improvements something you forge type clerics might appreciate. It is rather pretty though, despite how cool they are there is some definite slavery type feels going on. I'm just trying to get out of this. Enjoy the tidbits, I hope you guys are doing ok.

I really hope you guys are ok

The Adventurers Guild

The adventurers check the adventure board.

Adventure culling

Clean out my attic


Guy behind the counter confused name "Whore heads?" No Horse heads.

Take the psuedio dragons

Walk into the north eastern corder of town, neighborhood is neat but the houses are kind of alike.

Approach a house old woman in the street throwing stones up to the attick she is very tires and has not been able tto rest. she is an elf

The party enters

NOTE: I think I'm phandalin- not sure of what part or oddly enough when?

Small blue dragonoids peep out at the party.

Demna speaks in draconic to them. The seem to recognize the speach but not understand.

The house is apartan and monochromatic with tiny green accents. touching items seems to make them turn slightly green.

Lillian tries to use Speak with Animals. tries to get one to come down to her. It is interested but it does not come down. She holds out a piece of dried meat.It darts down latches onto her arm deeply with its claws. does not pierce skin. Blows clitter breath at Lillian doing a small amount of damage.

Billie tries to fashion a crude track with a laundry basket and a book.

Keras goes up into the attic.

3 produce smnoke blue violet red

2 glitter one stars one multicolor

4 shoot flame in colors gold emerald black silvery

2 eyes shift colors, scales ripple and shift colors.

Well that was easy. Only a few minutes later the whole party walks out. having completed the mission. She cries in happiness. Lillian puts her on her bed.

The party heads out into the streets. Each with a psuedo dragon under each arm.

The party tries to calm them down. Lillian tries animal handling. Billie tries bribing it with meat. Keras bribes his two with a silver piece each.

After calming down his two dragons, Keras proceeds to calm down the others.

With the dragons called down Keras suggested going to the Wonderous market to find some sort of magical cage for their psuedo dragons. The crowds give the party a wide birth. As the party approaches the market, they stumble apon Evie. After catching up.

Keras has named his two dragons. The star glitter (Razzle) and the blue smoke (Dazzle). Emerald (Major Tom) Demna. Multicolor glitter and violet smoke taken by Evie. Dripp has the black and silver (Shit Weasel and Steve). Lillian claims the red smoke and argues over the black flames.

Billie takes the the two multicolor dragons (Thing 1 and Thing 2).

They arrive at the wonderous market. Eventually they find a large pavillion. Inside there are crates and cages. Kera gives them head pets and silver, and calls them by their names. They are very calm almost purring. Keras enters and greets an orcish shop keeper. He explains their situation. 500GP Bargained him down to 425 with free advertising and accounting work from Evie.

Keras trades 3 large diamonds for 95GP each. the remaining 140GP are paid out of party gold. He informs the party he can get them their cages by the end of the day. The party leaves the vendor and notices the dragons have been wriggling out of their bindings. Each party member takes time to soothe their dragons.

Evie and Dripp enjoy a joint and a drink as they walk back to the adventurers guild. Frederick greets the part and we inform him that the mission is done. the guild is awarded their points. Except Evie who is not a guild member.

Evie signs up to be tested pays 99GP from Party gold (plus one from federick)and manages to pass the test of Charisma, they successfully pass the testing selling "pocket sand" to 3 spectres. Earning them a bronze name plate and admission to the guild.

Having completed that the party approaches "the House of Wayward Dogs." The smell of dog is overpowering. As the party enters they see a frazzled younger dwarf behind the counter. He greets the party and Evie explains that they'd like to adopt a dog. The interior is roaming around with a nearly uncountable number of dogs. Evie inquires about which dogs are available for adoption, which ones have been present the longest. He explains that there are several unsocialized and exotic animals. When they go into the back, they notice an old man dog, an agry mastif, and a three headed magical creature. Its heads are that of Fluffy, Snuffy, and Gruffy. The baby cerberus is so happy to see them that it quickly escapes its cage. They pounce on the party wagging their tail and licking all of the party. Evie approaches the angry mastif who grows at them. Snuggy warns them off.

The sounds of destruction attract the drawf who believes they are being killed. Instead he's just licking us. Keras proves they're perfectly safe. having them sit and then Lillian scratches their bellies. Seeing that the drawf shop keeper seems scared but relieved. The party fills out the paperwork and adopts the baby cerberus. Fluffy- Keras Gruffy -Dripp Snuffy - Billie.

Evie continues to try to charm the angry mastif and fails... repeatedly. With the paperwork in order, Keras instructs the dog to shake with the nice man. Terrified he shakes a claw and the party leaves. Going to the park, the party decides to help them get out their zoomies. The party takes turns trying to ride the cerberus in the park.

several gold rank adventurers approach the party perplexed at how they could have such a powerful pet/mount. Keras explains the truth, but they don't believe him.

A large discussion about what to do with the cerberus's firey poops. Evie focuses on the ledger of the managerie shop owner completing 12% of the paperwork.

With the zoomies exhausted the party heads back to the adventurers guild. Frederick interogates the adventuers over their new pet/mount. Everyone is awarded 15 points for adopting the pet. He commends the adventurers on their control of the combined wolves.

George Zimmer Esquire the 4th the cat has gone missing. this 5 point task is selcted by the team. George is a large orange cat and can be found likely in the south west of the city. He wears a bell around his neck.

Rocash shut down his store for the day, so the prty will need to ask him when he gets the cages.

They take the cat and pastry tasks. They head into a rich area of town into a bistro like area. They appreach a pastery shop. there is a line. The party hops in line. Lots of delightful drinks and pastries. As the party gets close to the order counter they see that supplies are running low. The lady behind the counter is blue and wet skinned. she's a water genasi.

The genasi woman explains that when they prep cook the day before, things like macaroons, jam tarts, and more. They store them in their evercold box. in the morning they notice they are gone. They stick them in the evercold. Dripp antagonizes the shop owner into looking at his flask and making a cupcake with its contents. The cupcake is then served to each member. Its delicous.

Usually they close up shop between 8 or 9. By 2-3am they are gone. The party decides to make a booby trapped batch of pastries with hyacinth or some other expectorant or laxative. The shop owner advices getting them in the wonderous market. The party leaves towards the woderous market. They find a hebologist tent and request an appropriate herb. The owner is wispy and hooded old woman. She cuts off some leaves of a plant for free simply in exchange for a macaroon the next time. After discussion with Keras they also grab a small bell like flower that causes the guilty to be marked with a moon under their number. Keras notices her blue 1, she discloses that she's fredericks grandma. They quickly make their way back to the shop. They pass along their ingredients, and Keras attempts to give her an electrum for a Macaroon. She was engaged to her grandson once apon a time. it fell through. She refuses the electrum believing its fake. She explains that she gives the macaroons away for free.

The sun is starting to set, the party heads towards the trees where the cat when missing. Dripp finds it first. Keras attempts to put it to sleep. It fails and starts to run away. He uses universal speech to talk to it. It doesn't stop. It shakes off a polymorph and a mage hand. Only a second mage hand from Evie manages to catch it. Bringing the cat closer, it speaks telepathically to Evie. Attempts to charm her and it shakes it off. Attempting to feed it. Demna bolts forward and uses Tasha's Mind Whip on it. The party runs after her.

Keras takes the collar off detecting it is highly magical. the cat misty steps away as his hand gets close. he dives down into the sewer grates. Flipping the party off on his way down.

Discouraged Demna and Keras go to watch the pastry shop. Keras uses the time to pract the visuals for his show with Razzle and Dazzel.

Frederick takes the party upstairs to a wooden board that shows the available quests. most quests reward reputation rewards. Some also grant gold. The awards in reputation scale by difficulty.

  • Wood (1-9 points)

  • Bronze (10-99 points)

  • Silver (100-999 points)

  • Gold (1000-9999 points)

  • Mithril (10,000-99,999 points)

The party catches a glimpse of Frederick's hand which shows 100K. He explains that succeeding in the quest awards the points and failing subtracts them. He congratulates the party as new adventurers and explains their solemn duty to the city. He also explains that they can take their first tasks tomorrow, for today, they must celebrate! Frederick proclaims on drinks on the house.

Adventure Notice Board

The party members, and their fellow guild mates all get more than a little drunk. Demna finds a few fellow dragonborn guild members who help her fully transition to an emerald gem bloodline dragonborn. She is delighted by the development. She now has two small wings, leathery green skin, and two slightly floating horns. Lillian seeks out fellow genasi, finding a married genasi couple one water and one fire named Chelle and Sebastien. She shares her story with them and joins them in their drinking festivities, using the opportunity to Wild Shape into a brown bear. Billie goes searching for a strong drink and a fight. He finds some potent dwarven fire whiskey. Playing up his drunkenness, he approaches a fierce looking halfling who takes the bait and heckles Billie. Billie and the halfling enter a brawl that quickly encompasses everyone around them. The fight ended in a draw, but Billie quickly makes a new brawl frenemy, Graeven the halfling. Dripp indulges in some fire whiskey as well, stripping down to his undergarments and joining the brawl. Keras chooses this opportunity to play a dancy song and quickly recruits other musically inclined guild members in on the fun, turning the guild into a club like environment. The entire crew gets thoroughly smashed and passes out well into the night.

The following morning, each party member is awoken by Frederick, who congratulates them on passing the "final test" by being cool enough to party with them. He hands each of them a formal looking document that is magically protected from alteration formally recognizing them as members of the guild. They each notice their hand numbers have gone up by 10. They drink some coffee and tea, eat some eggs and bacon, and then head over to the adventurer quest board to select their first task.
