Malicious Compliance
August 21, 2022
When we last joined our adventurers, they had gone into the dank sewers of ancient Phandalin and captured some sewer pussy, after escaping a massive room-sized mimic.
Young, olive skin, frayed cloak and threadbare clothing brown hair child asleep. He appears to have been living rough for a significant period of time. The party binds his hands in feet in rope. He explains his name is Thomas and he was just looking for food. His hand has a red number 150.
Deciding not to turn an child in for potential hard labor in the deeps, a small deception is planned. Using the fur on their clothes and some
The clean the shop back up and get ready to report back to
After a long discussion with Thomas, he explains that the system won't let his scores improve. The system has deemed him a risk to future society. there are others like him.
In the southwest corner of town there's a location where three housing units meet. There are 3 or 4 bricks that are loose and can be removed. Thats how they have been getting in and out.
Explained to the shop keeper.
Frederick asks how we did. We explain the room sized mimic. He is disturbed and explains he will post a diamond level quest to defeat the mimic.
Pack of werewolves, silver quest to remove them. They have been attacking livestock and caravans. The party eat a hearty breakfast and then get points. Frederick explains that every full moon this task comes up. Its difficult and it doesn't carry a negative consequence for the quest givers. Frederick explains that there is an expert in town who he will try to put the party in touch with, Willhelm Von Stratigos.
The party takes a long rest and then returns to the front counter of the Adventurer's guild. Frederick explains that the party needs to meet him in the council quarters in the walled off section of the city in the northeast. The party must find his door and knock exactly two times. The party heads towards that section of the town. The people in this section of town are well dressed and quite affluent. The guard presence is high. They are stopped by the wall. Keras explains their purpose for being there, and the guard checks their name plates before permitting them in. The guard guides them to his massive abode. The building looks to almost be a monolith made of the same white marble as the walls. The building appears to be accented in gold. they knock twice and the door opens on its own. They enter a massive living room area richly appointed. Upon entering they realize the walls are enchanted, so that from inside you can look out clearly.
A large bipedal lion greets them. He wears a maroon and gold mantle and closely fitted leather armor. He is clearly a werelion and is mid transformation. Realizing this, the party more thoroughly inspects Billie. Billie does appear to be more muscular and hairier than normal. Billie is convinced that this is just puberty. Billie can clearly smell Willhelm's musk in the room. Willhelm interrupts their conversation and explains that there is a distant continent of were-creatures. Many travel to this area as a sort of pilgrimage as the area is more tolerant of them. Wilhelm explains that the largest losses happen just north of the city in the farms where livestock are stored. He explains that the youngest werewolves are the most dangerous.
Keras questions the werelion about werebears. He explains that they generally don't lose their sense of reason. Willhelm explains that werebears typically receive the "gift" of lycanthropy voluntarily and that they only do so involuntarily when infected with a separate virus. This is usually cleansed by simple restoration. No adventuring party has successfully defended the city and not killed his were-brethren before. He must leave and explains that the party will be welcomed back as friends if they succeed.
The party leaves the monolith of a house and heads to the wonderous market to prepare for the night's combat. On the walk to the market Demna shares what she knows about lycanthropes with Billie, who is now worried about what he should do if he is infected. The head to the apothecary stand. Keras explains that they are looking for sedatives. She provides two options, one for ingestion and one that affects folks with it enters the blood stream that could be added on weapons. The party spends 800SP to buy one of each.
They then go to Rocash's Animal Emporium. Where they use most of the remaining party currency and a few points to buy weighted nets and a net launcher. The shop keeper is somewhat disappointed to be paid in mostly copper and silver. They give him some pastries from the early morning's quest to sweeten the deal.
Finally, they head to the Markesh's Multi-Meat Munchies Market where they had previously purchased jerky. Demna and Billie detect the smell of nipple chips. Demna drools small drops of acid while she smells them. She buys a bag of nipple chips from him. After an explanation of their task and some haggling they purchase 25 pounds of questionable meat. They also tenatively reach an offer to feed Toughy for 200lbs for 30 points.
They head back to the Adventurer's Guild to talk to the farrier. They explain to the farrier that they want two saddle bags "big enough to hold a body" for Toughy, the farrier agrees and says it'll take a couple hours. The party goes into the guild for lunch where they speak with Frederick who explains the guild charges an optional (but not really) monthly fee of 20 points to cover living expenses, stabling, etc.
After their meal, they pick up Toughy from the farrier who explains he's suprisred how well behaved he was. He has two body sized saddle bags. They head towards the children's hide out where they retrieve the kids. Keras uses Sleep on the, and Demna Misty steps them to the bags. Keras covers them with nets and meat. At the gate they explain their purpose and manage to smuggle the kids out. they each are assessed 3 points form their score. they head together to the farms in the North where they know the largest battles with the lycanthropes will be.