"Crispy Nipples, They're Natures Favorite Snack"
April 17th, 2021
When we last joined our adventurers, they had murdered apparently peaceful Hobgoblins on their way to a the grove of Agatha the Banshee. Upon reaching Agatha, the party remained peaceful and exchanged the jeweled silver comb in return for information on the location of Bowgentle's spellbook. Having got the information they saught, the party retired to the abanddoned city of Conyberry for a night's rest.
Colorful tent in the middle of the courtyard.
Wanting to investigate, Lilian casts Pass Without A Trace on the party. The party approaches to get a better look.
Keras's jimmies are russtled. Shatter on all but 1 zombie. Body parts fly everywhere.
Loud sound dude runs out. Party recognizes him as a necromancer. Keras rage intensifies.
Dripp arrow, misses. Summons little dragon in the area of the zombies. Lillian Spike Growth, all zombies and necromancer.
Billie sneaks around back and attacks necromancer. moderate damage. He is not happy. Hits again, not happy.
Demna seeing 5 zombies lines up, uses acid breath and liquifies 4 of them. Demna casts sleep on the Necromancer.
Dripp shoots another arrow, misses the zombie, goes right through the hole already in its torso. Dragon blasts one of the Zombies, Keras shatters again. 7 zombies, kills 3, 2 more appeared to die but then stood back up. Lillian burning hands, white hot fire, immolates the necromancer and burns 5 zombies. they all die, but one pops back up after falling down.
Flaming Zombie strikes Keras, startels him and hits him very hard in the head. Everyone is shocked to see Keras get hit. Billie attacks and kills the Zombie, but it resurrects again. Demna is so frustrated. Grabs its decomposing nipples and kills it with Shocking Grasp. It resurrects. Nipples home off, demna puts them in her pocket. Zombie remains stunned. Demna is seeing red, so mad, cast chromatic orb of acid. Its melts to the ground and stay down.
Inside the tent the party finds:
35SP 20EP 20GP 5PP
One Pearl worth 100GP
Potion of Healing
Scroll of Darkness in a Bone Tube
Tiny Jeweled Box (25GP)
Ring of protection
Large Comfotable Travelling Suite
Just a name on a piece of paper, Arthindol...
Back to Wyvern Tor, the orcs are ready to leave but there is a small contingent of orcs waiting for the party. They offer as a measure of good faith, Thundertree, Cragmaw Castle, warn of an owl bear nearby.
Return to town, orcs to the Manor, going to build farms, warn them of nothic.
Smitty to buy the armor, so happy, wants to auction it off. Sell armors and weapons
Sell loot to Linene, just scrape together 2,500GP. Pay in a bunch of coper. Demna heats a nipple. Very disturbed Smitty.
Sister Gerale. Shrine of Luck. Turn in news of the spell book, her ring, and note.
4 Health Potions
Edermath Orchard, Darren Edermath try to get a reward. Offers everyone a hand shake, slips a piece of paper to Billie secretly. You hav been invited, meet me this afternoon.
Start next session at the auction in town.