
Getting Some Sewer Pussy

August 6, 2022

When we last joined our adventurers, they had begun taking tasks from the contract's board after joining the Phandalin Adventurer's Guild. While engaged in multiple tasks, three members of the team find themselves summoned with a bright red magical flashing from their name plates. The adventurers had been briefed that this might happen in rare circumstances when they accepted their badges by Frederick. Billie, Demna, and Keras rush off to the nearby Adventurer's Guild with a promise to rejoin the others as soon as their task is done.

The Adventurers Guild

The adventurers make their way to the Wonderous Market. Rokash's market is still open, dusk is approaching. The store is almost closing. Keras speaks to Rokash. Rokash is familiar and has a special "George" collar that will supress his magical abilities.

Two ways to capture Georgo. 1. subdue him. for instance hit him with a bean bag. 2. Lure him in, he's a chunky cat and likes food. He offers 6 "George" branded bean bags.

No cost. Simply return the items. You can slip them under the tent flap. Warns against hurting animals.they head to the sewer drain that George disappeared down. It is incredibly dark, but the whole party makes they way down. Billi eactivates his light stone. Once they get down, the see a portal where water is flowing through. we spot kitty footprints going down the trail they go around a bend and spot a door. The footprints lead up to the door and sat there, then walkerd in.

Billie walks up nd peaking into the room, about 15 feet in. George sits in the room with his back turned to them. Demna throws an amazing pitch with the bean bag and kncks george out. His ears perk up turns around and then knocks out.

Keras inspects the room for traps and magic, he does not notice any.

The door locks behind them. they walked into a room sized mimic.

Demna hits it with a Ray of Frost. Dena then casts an acidic chromatic orb. No affect. The room bludgeons her with tentace. Billie is frustrated by a room what does he hit? He lashes out with his staff smacking it repeatedly. The room drips more with acid. the room doesn't seem horribly injured. The psuedopods lash out at Billie. They sting him with their forceful strikes.

The room is severely irritated, it doens't like it when it's food fights back. It attacks the party in order. Smacking Demna and Billie hard with its noodle like appendages. An appendage dangles from the ceiling and smacks Keras across the face. Keras responds with Dissonant Whispers and frigtens the room, wracking it with psycic pain. Keras picks up the cat and heads towards the door, hoping it would open but it merely quivers.

Demna, seeing a possibility for escape, lashes out at the door area with Tasha's Mind Whip. Violet energy lashes out and causes the wall to ripple in pain. Demna shoots another Chromatic Orb, this time witha fire aspect. The orb impacts the walls with a squelching sounds leaving burn marks behind. The tentacles lash out yet again. but miss demna.

Billie tosses the collar to Keras who catches it. Billie beats on the ceiling like a tenent mad at their up stairs neighbor.

Keras clips the collar on George the cat, and then casts Wall of Water covering the floor and lower levels of the walls in rushing water. Making the tentacle attacks fight against the water to attack his compatriots. Demna attempt to escape the grapple but fails, she hits the door area with a lightening chromatic orb. Causing the weakened door to open. Demna manages to dodge most tf the tentacle swipes that it reacts with. Billie follows up by casting Hunter's Mark on the room, and beating it with his staff. The room reaches down from the ceiling and beats it with his tentacles.

More and more psuedpods form, and strike all the team. Keras escapes the room, and casts shatter hiting 3 walls and dealing an enourmous amout of damage to the room. He shouts to demna to freeze the water to lock the tentacles in place.

Demna takes the advice freezing a group of tentacles and Misty Stepping to safety. Realizing that this is an option, Billie Misty Steps out and beats the doorway like ti owes him money. With the cat in hand and all three members fo the party safe. they see the pyromaniac sparkle in Demna's eyes, the party dives out of the way as Demna casts a fireball into the room dealing an enourmous amount of damage but the room seems only minorly inconveignianced.

Realizing that they can't defeat the room, Keras makes a sign outside the room saying "Free Presents for Racists Inside" and they take the collared cat back out of the sewers. They head to Marge's house to return the sleeping and collared kitty. they approach the pale yellow house, knock on her door. An old gnome woman grabs George.

Keras persuades the sweet old gnome lady to keep the collar on for a few weeks. She hands them amazing delicous fudge filled cookies as an extra thank you. The three folks expect to to see Dripp, Lillian. and Kat's characters. They aren't there, inside they fid a few empty ale bottles on the counter and a poorly written note from Dripp saying they went for more drinks. The door was left unlocked.

The three remaining responsible members of the party, start the stake out of the pastry shop. they lay dainty spoons around the shop to function as audible alerts. They take a short rest to recover their health and set up to keep an ear out for intruders. Billie "treats" the party to a wake up song (to contrast with Keras's Song of Rest). They then hear a slight tinkling. Demna goes stealth mode and looks upstairs, Demna sees a hooded figure sneaking in the window. She casts sleep and the character falls to the ground. Billie and Keras rush upstairs at the sound and bind the intruder. In the light they identify the figure as a young child.



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