
I'm Firing Mah Lazer!!

December 4th, 2021

When we last joined our adventurers, they were exploring Wave Echo Cave when they had stumbled upon the Spectator, a deadly aberation that looks like a green beholder. Angered by the indelicate interactions of Exkikas, the entire party finds itself at real risk of being killed. The Forge of Spells sits just beyond this vile creatures reach, can the party safely dispatch this monster or extricate themselves from its killing path.

Angered by the attempts at impersonating a devote of Dumathoin, The Spectator lashes out at Keras, shooting him with a sleep beam which he shrugs off, followed by a stone creation beam. The stone beam just touches his the left elbow is restrained as his extremities slowly turn to stone and he is wracked with pain.

Demna attempts to shoot into the room from the barely cracked open door. Her Chromatic Orb misses, so she switches to Tasha's Caustic Brew, splashing the creature in acid. It howls in anger.

Dripp then attempts to enter the fray, shooting arrows (with just a spash of fire wiskey), with one of his two arrows lodging into the creature. Not to be outdone, Evelyn shoots three Eldritch Blash, all of which miss.

Lillian, seeing her fishy friend in danger, casts Moonbeam, with a cone of light shooting down from the hole above the forge dealing significant damage. The focus of one of the Spectators's eye stalks continues to nuetralize magic in its range bunting the effect of spells headed its way. This backfires and starts reverting the petrification of Keras.

The Spectator

Keras, seeing he is able to move again, casts Dissonant Whispers on the Spectator, wracking its mind with voices of disapproval seemingly from Dumathoin. Its ire raised, it shoots a powerful necrotic ray at Keras causing significant damage. The shouts of the party members on the other side of the door rise up, as Billie finally joins the the fray.

Attempting to deal with the looming threat outside the door, the Spectator shoots a purple beam at Lillian which she shrugs off, seemingly with no effect. Crowded out, Evelyn, Dripp, and Demna are unsuccesful at landing additional attacks again the Specator, with spells fizzling out in the dark gaze of the creatures void black eye stalk.

Lillian sees this going on, and rushes through the crack in the massive doors, entering direct contact range with the Spectator and casting Burning Hands on it, engulphing it in flames. Two beams shoot out at Lillian, one misses her, and one starts to paralyze her to stone.

With a void black eye stalk seething with awful power pointed in his face, Keras drops his sheild and attempts to grapple the eye stalk. With his newly enhanced strenth, Keras manages to injure the eye, causing it to discarge harlessly into the floor. Keras knots the eye stalk, deftly pointing it back at the Spectator.

Billie next enters the room, trying to Misty Step around the creature, the magic is quickly dispelled by the creatures anti-magic field. Unsuccessful with the use of his new spell, he instead lashes out with his staff, scoring multiple critical hits against the creature leaving it rather battered.

Still enraged with Keras, it aims all of its eye stalks at Keras. The first beam paralyzes Keras, locking his grip on its eye stalk in place. Next it uses a telikinetic beam to pry his grip off the eye stalk, and tosses him aross the room. The Spectator continues to seethe with rage, shouting for the party to "JUST LEAVE!" The acid from Demna's earlier Tasha's Caustic Brew spell continues to eat away at the creatures flesh.

Demna attacks the beholder with Mind Sliver but it shrugs off the damage. A followup casting of mind whip also fails to connect due to the creatures anti-magic field. Lillian, getting desperate as the party has repeatedly failed to deal enough damage to this creature decides to call in reinforcement. Stepping slightly out of its anti-magic field, she casts Summon Creature creating two ponys.

While not the desired result, the ponys join the fray, but faily to connect their hoove attacks. The Spectator readies to release beams from its eye stalks, but this backfires, as the inky black beam from the knotted eye stalk fires into itself dealing massive damage. The other beam lashing out at Lillian dealing additional necrotic damage.

Shaken seeing how painful the attack way, Billie attempts to unleash a second round of staff attacks. Unfortunately, none of those attacks make it. A pink beam lashes out and strikes Billie in the heart charming him.

Demna coats the creature in acid with her breath weapon, causing a retalitory attack from another charm beam from the eye stalk, chraming Demna in addition to Billie. The Spectator commands them both to leave. Conflicted by trying to protect both of their "friends" they grown frustrated by indecision.

Dripp leaps and slashes the Spectator, its ichor like blood spilling out. Lillian lashes out with multiple Scortching Rays lancing the creature, her summoned Ponys also using their hooves to attack. The creature flickers, suddenly loosing its illusory vale, showing its true damage. Haggered, on its last legs, Keras attempts a rather dangerous spell combination, using Thalmaturgy to amplify Dissonant Whispers... a Dissonant Scream. This does massive damage causing everyone to collapse in psycic pain.

He bites down hard on another augmentation pearl. He speaks to Keras in his mind, "This isn't over, we will meet again." and disappears off this plane.

The party collapses into a short rest pile on the floor exhausted and tending their wounds both psycic and physical. Upon waking, the party investigates the room, with Billie finding:

  • Lightbringer (+1 Mace, deals an additional 1d6 radiant damage against undead)

  • Dragon Guard (+1 Breastplate, advantage on saving throws against breath weapons)

As the only party members who can effectively use the items. Lightbringer is given to Keras and Dragon Guard is given to Dripp. Newly equiped, the party heads out to further explore the cave system.